For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ANTLERLESS. A deer with no visible forked antler.
   ARROW. As defined and limited by the State Department of Natural Resources (herein IDNR).
   BOW. As defined and limited by the IDNR.
   ELEVATED STAND. A manufactured stand (tree stand, ladder stand, tripod, quadpod or tower) with a safety harness and of sufficient height to place the hunter’s feet at least six vertical feet above the highest ground elevation within 25 yards of the stand location, to ensure a downward thrust of an arrow when released by the bow.
      (1)   INCENTIVE LICENSE. A document issued by the IDNR to allow a bow hunter to harvest an antlered deer as a designated buck incentive program award recipient based on the previous year’s antlerless deer program in the city.
      (2)   URBAN ANTLERLESS DEER LICENSE. A document issued by the IDNR in addition to the small game hunting license to allow a bow hunter to harvest an antlerless deer under the city’s special bow hunting program.
   OFFAL. Entrails, which includes most internal organs other than muscle or bones.
   PERMISSION FORM. A document issued by and filed with the city to affirm that the hunter has received written authorization to hunt on private property from the owner or manager thereof.
   USABLE PORTION. Any part of a deer that is customarily processed for human consumption.
   VISCERA. The internal organs within the chest.
(Ord. 2009-17, passed 8-25-2009)