§ 114.03 RECORDS.
   (A)   The Police Department shall furnish the internet web address for the automated pawn records system to every pawnbroker licensee. The pawnbroker shall immediately upon completion of each individual transaction accurately enter into the system via the internet, in the English language, the following information at time of purchase or receipt of any property:
      (1)   The name and address of the person from whom the property is purchased or received; their date of birth; their state driver’s license number, or state identification number, or social security number with photo identification that includes their gender, age, height, race and the type of photo identification presented;
      (2)   A particular, detailed and accurate description of each article to include model number and/or serial number when applicable;
      (3)   The amount paid, advanced or loaned;
      (4)   The date and hour of the transaction.
   (B)   If the automated pawn records system fails, crashes, or becomes inaccessible by either the pawnbroker or the Police Department such that data entries cannot be electronically captured or recorded, then in that event the pawnbroker shall use pawn log sheets furnished by the Police Department to accurately enter in ink in the English language the information required under division (A) of this section. In the instances of technology issues that require the use of handwritten records, every pawnbroker shall submit to the Urbandale Police Department each week, on Monday, a record of all items received on pawn or purchase outright. The record shall include all information required by division (A).
   (C)   The Police Chief or his or her designee shall have access to licensee’s computer system and/or pawn log sheets for purposes of inspection for compliance with this section. Every pawnbroker’s license shall at all times be open to examination by any peace officer or other law enforcement officer.
(1999 Code, § 125.03)
   (D)   It shall not be deemed compliance with this section if the licensee or the licensee’s agent or employee lists his or her own name as the person selling or transferring the article.
   (E)   Upon entry of the required information into the automated pawn records system, such information becomes a Police Department record, a copy of which shall be maintained by licensee on the licensed premises. When pawn log sheets are required pursuant to division (B) or upon demand from the Police Chief or his or her designee, the licensee shall surrender the original sheets to the Police Department and such originals shall remain the property of the city. A copy of the original will be provided to the licensee. The licensee shall also maintain a record of the name and residential address of any person redeeming an article of property, the date of such transaction and a description of the article redeemed. If property is disposed of other than by redemption, the licensee shall record a description of the property, how disposed, and the name and address of the person to whom the article was transferred. Such redemption or sales records shall be maintained by the licensee for one year from the date of the transaction and shall be at all times open to examination and recordation by the Police Chief or his or her designee.
(1999 Code, § 125.04)
   (F)   Licensee shall maintain a computer system that meets the system and connectivity requirements as set and kept on file by the Police Department.
   (G)   The Police Chief or his or her designee shall have access to licensee’s computer system for purposes of inspection for compliance with this chapter.
(Ord. 2020-01, passed 2-9-2021) Penalty, see § 114.99