(a)   The Clerk of Council Oversight Committee is hereby created.
   (b)   The Committee shall consist of the President of Council, plus two (2) other members of Council appointed by the President of Council and approved by the majority vote of Council. The President of Council shall serve as the chairperson of the committee. The Human Resources Director shall serve as secretary for all meetings of the committee.
   (c)   The Clerk of Council Oversight Committee shall be selected and approved by City Council at the first meeting of Council following the effective date of this section and shall serve until a successive committee is selected and approved. Successive committee members shall be selected and approved at the first meeting of City Council in each even-numbered year thereafter. Vacancies in the Committee shall be appointed by the President of Council and approved by City Council.
   (d)   A majority of the members of the Clerk of Council Oversight Committee shall constitute a quorum, and a majority vote of the members appointed to the Committee shall be necessary to take any action and for passage of motions. Rules providing for the number and manner of calling regular meetings and special meetings, and to provide for the conduct and government of meetings, may be adopted by a majority vote of the members appointed to the Committee, however such rules shall not conflict with the provisions of the City Charter or any ordinance passed by Council.
   (e)   The Clerk of Council Oversight Committee shall have the following duties and powers:
      (1)   To generally over-see, supervise and evaluate the Clerk of Council’s performance of the duties and responsibilities of the position;
      (2)   To communicate with the Clerk of Council and make recommendations to City Council on matters related to the Clerk’s duties, responsibilities, job description, hours of work, compensation and benefits;
      (3)   To receive and investigate any complaints received concerning the Clerk of Council;
      (4)   To issue verbal and/or written reprimands to the Clerk of Council for conduct contrary to the terms and provisions of the City’s Personnel Policy and Procedure Manual or the directives of the Oversight Committee or Council; and
      (5)   To make recommendations to City Council for discipline consisting of a fine, suspension or termination of the Clerk of Council for conduct contrary to the terms and provisions of the City’s Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual or the directives of the Oversight Committee or Council.
   (f)   All meetings of the Clerk of Council Oversight Committee shall be conducted in compliance with Ohio’s Open Meeting Act.
(Ord. 154-12. Passed 2-3-14.)