(a) No person shall operate a low speed vehicle, under speed vehicle, utility vehicle or mini truck upon any street or highway within the corporation limits of the City of Upper Sandusky, Ohio with an established speed limit greater than 35 miles per hour.
(b) No person shall operate a motor driven cycle or motor scooter upon any street of highway located within the corporation limits of the City with an established speed limit of greater than 45 miles per hour.
(c) City employees shall be permitted to operate a utility vehicle exclusively within City parks for the operation or maintenance of the City's park facilities.
(d) A person shall be permitted to operate a low speed vehicle, under speed vehicle, utility vehicle or mini truck across an intersection at a street or highway having an established speed limit greater than 35 miles per hour.
(e) A person shall be permitted to operate a motor driven cycle or motor scooter across an intersection of a street or highway having an established speed limit greater than 45 miles per hour.
(f) A vehicle owner who wishes to operate an under speed vehicle, utility vehicle or mini truck upon the authorized public streets or highways within the City shall submit the vehicle to an inspection conducted by a local law enforcement agency that complies with inspection requirements established by the Department of Public Safety Ohio R.C. 4513.02.
(g) Only those vehicles that successfully pass the required vehicle inspection, are registered in accordance with Ohio R.C. Chapter 4503, and are titled in accordance with Ohio R.C. Chapter 5405 shall be permitted to operate upon the authorized public streets or highways within the City.
(h) The Clerk of Council shall notify the Director of Public Safety, in a manner the Director determines, of the authorization for the operation of low speed vehicles, under speed vehicles, utility vehicles and mini trucks within the City of Upper Sandusky, Ohio.
(i) Whoever violates the provisions of this Ordinance is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. (Ord. 247-12. Passed 1-3-17.)