(a) A landscape plan illustrating fulfillment of these requirements shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of any zoning permits. Whenever issuance of a zoning permit requires prior approval of a site plan by the Planning Commission, the requirements of these regulations shall be included on such site plan.
(b) The contents of the plan shall include the following:
(1) Plot plan, drawn to an easily readable scale no smaller than one inch equals fifty feet, showing and labeling by name and dimensions all existing and proposed: property lines; easements; buildings and other structures; parking facilities, including parking stalls, driveways, service areas, square footage, etc.; locations of structures of adjoining parcels where deemed necessary by the Planning Commission; water outlets; landscape material, including botanical name and common name, installation size, probable mature size, on center planting dimensions (where applicable), and quantities for all plants used; and all existing trees.
(2) Title block with pertinent names and addresses, property owner, person drawing plan, scale, date, north arrow, and zoning district.
(Ord. 113-9. Passed 1-17-94.)