(a)    Landscaping as regulated herein shall be required in all new building development and construction in any Highway Business, Recreation Business, Office, or Public Facilities Districts.
   (b)    A minimum landscape area of six (6) feet in width shall be required along any public right-of-way, and such area shall not encroach said right-of-way. Any such area adjacent to a parking facility shall contain a three (3) foot average height of continuous planting, hedge or earth mound.
   (c)    In addition, any access way or main drive into the parking facility shall be denoted by a landscaped area on either side of the access way or drive. Each such landscaped area shall be at least three (3) feet in width and ten (10) feet in length and shall contain at least one (1) tree as well as annual or perennial flowering plants.
   (d)    When the parking facility contains spaces for twenty (20) or more vehicles, there shall be a landscaping area at each end of each row of parking spaces. Each such landscaping area shall be at least fifteen (15) square feet in area and shall contain at least one (1) deciduous tree.
(Ord. 113-9. Passed 1-17-94.)