(a)    "On Site Business Signs" shall include pole signs, ground signs, wall signs, projecting signs, and arcade signs, and shall mean those signs permanently placed and promoting the business located on the lot or premises thereon.
   (b)    The minimum set back for any part of any on-site business sign shall be five feet from any public right-of-way, and ten feet from any other side or rear property line, except in the CB district, in which case no set back shall be required.
   (c)    In the event any on-site business sign exceeds fifty (50) square feet in size, any required setback shall be increased one (1) foot for each additional ten (10) square feet of sign area.
   (d)    No more than three (3) on-site business signs or structures shall be used per lot. Of the signs, a maximum of one (1) ground sign and one (1) pole sign each is allowed (unless otherwise prohibited as noted in Appendix A). However, a business complex (three (3) or more businesses, other than office uses, located in a unified building or attached group of buildings) shall be permitted an additional ground or pole sign per lot (if originally permitted as noted in Appendix A) and one wall sign per business.
   (e)    An existing business use that does not conform with the allowable use regulations of the district it is located within shall be allowed to have one (1) wall sign in conformance with these regulations. The business owner may request the Planning Commission for permission to install one (1) ground sign, provided he can prove extenuating circumstances to justify placement of the sign. If such approval is granted, the size of said sign shall be limited to one-half (½) the size normally permitted.
   (f)    If a window area is occupied by signage (either painted or attached) in excess of sixty percent (60%) of the window surface, that area shall be considered a wall sign and shall fall under the limitations noted in Appendix A. 
(Ord. 113-9. Passed 1-17-94; Ord. 98-10. Passed 8-16-99.)