To reduce traffic problems and hazards by eliminating on-street parking, every use of land hereafter stated or changed must include on-premises parking sufficient for the needs normally generated by the use as provided herein. Parking spaces or bays contiguous to the street, required by subdivisions or other ordinances, or voluntarily supplied, are in addition to and not in place of the spaces required herein.
(a) Each parking space shall be at least nine (9) feet wide and twenty-one (21) feet long for parallel parking, or nineteen (19) feet only for right angle parking, or eighteen (18) feet long for sixty degree parking or seventeen (17) feet long for forty-five degree parking; the length of nonparallel parking being measured at right angles to the edge of the usable parking area formed by the angles exclusive of passageway.
(b) Access drives or aisles serving internal parking areas shall be at least twelve (12) feet in width to service one-way vehicular traffic, and at least twenty-four (24) feet in width to service two-way vehicular traffic.
(c) Parking lots shall be designed so that all vehicles leaving the facility will be traveling forward to approaching traffic, and that all maneuvering into and out of each parking space takes place entirely within property lines of the parking area.
(d) Any parking space for a business use, if in the open, must be paved with a hard or dustproof surface.
(e) A group of uses may provide a joint parking area if the number of spaces in the area at least equals the aggregate of the spaces required for the several uses and other regulations are met.
(f) A church or temple that requires parking area at times when nearby uses do not need their parking facilities may by agreement approved by the Planning Commission, use those facilities instead of providing their own, except that such other facilities must be off-street, dust-free, and meet the total requirements for Churches and Temples.
(g) Width of driveways serving parking areas shall be regulated as follows, excluding curve radii:
Minimum Width Maximum Width Single-Family Residence 9 feet 20 feet Multi-Family Residences, Two or More Single-Family Residences, Office and Business Uses, Public Facilities 12 feet 35 feet Industrial Uses 15 feet 45 feet |
(h) Parking spaces shall be provided as follows:
Airport or heliport | 1 per 2 employees plus one permanently based aircraft plus one per daily transient aircraft |
Automobile, trailer, other vehicle sales area (open) | 1 per 1,000 sq. ft. of land used for retail areas |
Automobile sales and repair (indoor) | 1 per 200 sq. ft. of floor area |
Banks, business and professional offices, similar business uses, postal stations, telegraph, telephone and similar uses | 1 per 250 sq. ft. of floor area |
Boarding, lodging, dormitories, etc. | 1 per three occupants |
Bowling alleys | 3 per lane plus 1 per 6 spectator seats |
Church or Temple | 1 per 4 seats in largest area used at any one time |
Clinic | 1 per 2 employees plus 3 per doctor |
Correctional Institution | 1 per 3 employees plus 1 per 500 sq. ft. of floor area |
Country club or golf course | 1 per 2 employees plus 3 per hole |
Department stores, retail showroom; apparel shop, flower shop, drug stores, hardware, stationery, record, news and grocery stores, photo studio, barber and beauty shops, restaurants, delicatessens, bakery, meat and super markets, locker service, roadside stands, appliance shops, shoe repair, clothing services, dry cleaning, laundry services, billiard room, taverns, nightclubs and business uses not otherwise listed | 1 per 200 sq. ft. of floor area |
Government buildings | 1 per 200 sq. ft. of floor area |
Hospital | 1 per 4 beds plus 1 per doctor plus one per 3 employees on the largest work shift, plus one per hospital vehicle |
Hotel, motel, tourist home | 1 per sleeping room plus 1 for every 2 employees |
Indoor Theater | 1 per 4 seats |
Industrial uses not listed elsewhere | 1 per 3 employees |
Kennel | 1 per 3 animal spaces (dens or cages) |
Kindergarten and day nursery | 1 per 4 children |
Lodge | 1 per 3 guest rooms |
Mobile home or travel trailer park | 2 per trailer lot |
Mortuary | 1 per 4 seats in main room |
Nursing home, home for aged | 1 per 7 patients and 1 per 2 employees |
Outdoor commercial recreation use | 1 per 600 sq. ft. of area used |
Overnight camp | 1 per campsite, trailer or cabin |
Private club | 1 per 6 active members |
Residential uses--multi-family | 1-1/2 spaces per dwelling per unit |
Residential uses--single family | 2 spaces per dwelling unit |
Riding stable uses | 1 per 5,000 sq. ft. of floor area |
Schools | 1 per 3 staff members plus 1 per 6 auditorium seats |
Shopping centers, malls, and plazas | 1 per 250 sq. ft. of floor area |
Stadium, coliseum, etc. | 3 per 4 employees plus 1 per 4 seats |
Transportation terminals, taxi, bus, train | 1 per 5 seats in waiting room |
Wholesale distribution uses | 1 per 2 employees |
(Ord. 113-9. Passed 1-17-94.)