(a)    The parking facilities required herein shall be located on the premises, or within 300 feet of the premises, and shall not be a part of an alley, street or other roadway.
   (b)    A parking area or loading berth for any of the following uses may not be located closer to a residential district than the distance, in feet, listed opposite it in the following table, or in the case of being located within a residential district, no closer to the lot line than herein provided.
Use             Parking Area Loading Berths
Airport             25          100
Clinic                10          –
Commercial Greenhouse       --          50
Hospital             25          –
Golf Course or Country Club    10          –
Industrial Park          25          100
Natural Resource Development    –          300
Mobile Home Park,
Camp, or Trailer Park       25          –
Outdoor Commercial Recreation    25          50
Private Recreational Development    25          –
Sales Barn for Live Stock Resale    50          100
Truck Freight Terminal       100          100
Wholesale Produce Terminal    100          100
   (c)    Except for single and two-family residential uses, parking facilities may not be located in the required front yard in a Residential District. Parking facilities in any other district may be located within any required yard (except as herein prohibited), but shall be no closer than six (6) feet from any property line.
   (d)    For the purpose of minimizing the interference of traffic and congestion, the number of curb cuts shall be limited in Public Facilities, Highway Business, and General Manufacturing Districts along major or arterial streets. Such curb cut intersections shall be spaced at least 500 feet apart. Access to abutting properties shall be provided by a frontage or service road connecting to the curb cut intersection. These requirements may be adjusted by the
Administrative Officer by one of the following provisions:
      (1)    The curb cut is to be located opposite an existing public street intersection. In these instances, the curb cut may be installed provided it is at least 100 feet away from any other curb cut.
      (2)    The developer has submitted a traffic study performed by a qualified engineer which proves such variance is necessary for the proper flow of traffic entering and leaving the proposed use while at the same time not impeding the movement of traffic flow along said major street.
   (e)    Driveways may not be located closer than two (2) feet from any property line; owever, driveways to be shared by one or more properties may be permitted closer to or on the property line provided the permit application is signed by all affected adjacent property owners.
(Ord. 113-9. Passed 1-17-94.)