Overnight camps and travel trailer parks may be permitted in the RB and C Districts, under the following conditions:
    (a)    Plans are prepared in the manner prescribed in Section 1123.05 with all necessary information to make a determination;
   (b)    When proposed in the Conservation District, such provisions shall be made, as necessary, to ensure the safety of users of the facility. Assurance shall be given that construction would not obstruct the flood level flow of the stream, and that no permanent improvements will be in danger of damage from flood;
   (c)    Only tents, camping trailers less than thirty (30) feet long, camping outfits on trucks, self-propelled units, and similar camping equipment shall be permitted;
   (d)    Occupancy shall not exceed two weeks per party per month, and density of camping units shall not exceed thirty (30) units per gross acre;
   (e)    Travel trailer parks and overnight camps shall be set back as required of mobile home parks in Section 1123.05 and such sites shall be buffered by thick hedges or screen planting when located within 100 feet of any residential district. It shall also be buffered when located adjacent to any other commercial use. Such buffering shall at least meet the minimum requirement as established in Section 1136.03 (b).
      (Ord. 113-9. Passed 1-17-94.)