(a) Applications for any change of district boundaries or classification of property as shown on the Zoning Map, or requests for any change in the text of this Zoning Ordinance, shall be submitted to the Planning Commission at its public office, upon such forms, and shall be accompanied by such data and information, as may be prescribed for that purpose by the Commission, so as to assure the fullest practical presentation of facts for the permanent record. Each such application shall be verified by at least one of the owners or lessors of property within the area proposed to be reclassified attesting to the truth and correctness of all facts and information presented with the application. Applications for amendments initiated by the Commission or Council shall be accompanied by its motion pertaining to such proposed amendment.
(b) Before submitting its recommendations on a proposed amendment to Council, the Commission shall hold a public hearing thereon, notice of which shall be given at least fifteen days in advance of the hearing date by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the area. The notice shall state the place or places and times at which the proposed amendment to the Ordinance, including text and maps, may be examined and such other notices as are required by the Planning Commission or the Ohio Revised Code.
(c) In addition to the published notice as hereinbefore specified, the Commission shall give notice of the time, place and purpose of public hearings to be held by it on proposed amendments or supplements by mailing a postal card or letter of notice not less than ten days prior to the date of hearing, to the owners of all property lying within 200 feet of any part of the property proposed to be changed. The failure to notify as provided in this section, shall not invalidate any recommendation adopted hereunder, it being the intention of this section to provide notices to the persons substantially interested in the proposed change that an application is pending before the Commission, to make a change in the Zoning Map or the regulations set forth in this Ordinance. If more than ten parcels of land are affected by proposed amendments, the requirements for notices in this section shall not apply.
(d) The Commission may recommend that the application be granted as requested, or it may recommend a modification of the zoning amendment requested, or it may recommend that the application not be granted. These recommendations shall then be certified to Council within five days of the Commission's determination. The Commission shall certify its recommendations to Council within thirty days after receipt of the application or motion, whichever is the case.
(e) After receiving from the Commission, the certification of the recommendations of the Commission on the proposed amendment, and before adoption of such amendment, Council shall hold a public hearing thereon, at least thirty days notice of the time and place of which shall be given by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the area.
(f) In addition to the published notice, the Clerk of Council shall by first class mail give written notice of the public hearing to affected property owners if the amendment involves ten or less parcel of land, as listed on the tax duplicate. "Affected Owners" means those owners of property within and contiguous to and directly across the street from the involved parcel. This notice shall be mailed to the owners' addresses as they appear on the County Auditor's current list or the Treasurer's mailing list, and any other lists as required by Council. The failure of delivery of such notice shall not invalidate the decision of the Council regarding the amendment or modification.
(g) After completion of the hearing required in subsection (e) hereof Council shall consider such recommendations and facts as it may have had presented to it, and thereafter vote on the passage of the proposed amendment or modification thereof. Council may overrule or modify the recommendations of the Commission only as provided in Section 5.12 of the Charter.
(Ord. 113-9. Passed 1-17-94.)