The Department of Safety shall be responsible for the administrative management of the Division of Fire, the Division of Police, and other divisions necessary for the enforcement of police, fire, health, safety, and sanitary regulations which may be created by the Council by ordinance.
   The Department of Safety may perform such other functions as Council may determine.
   The Department of Safety shall be managed and directed by a Safety Committee consisting of three Members of the Council.
    The three Council Members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor.
     Members of the Safety Committee shall serve during the term for which they were elected as Members of Council, and only during their tenure as members of the Council.
   A member of the Council who is appointed as a member of the Safety Committee, may not at the same time serve as a member of the Service Committee created by Section 8.04 of this Charter.
   The Safety Committee shall manage and conduct the affairs of the Department of Safety.
    The Safety Committee shall make such rules, regulations and bylaws as it deems necessary for the management and conduct of the affairs of the Department of Safety, including the right to make written rules and regulations for the government of the affairs, officers and employees of the various divisions within the Department of Safety.
   The Safety Committee shall have the power to appoint, remove, suspend, discipline, control and supervise all officers, employees or agents of the Department of Safety.
   Should the Council deem it is in the best interest of the Municipality to abolish the Safety Committee and to cause to be appointed in their stead a Director of Safety they may do so by a majority vote of the Council.
    The appointment of the Director of Safety shall be made by the Mayor and confirmed by a majority vote of the Council.
    The Director of Safety shall serve during the term for which the Mayor who made the appointment was elected and until said Director's successor is appointed, confirmed and qualified.
    The salary of the Director of Safety shall be fixed by the Council and may be increased or decreased at any time.
   The Director of Safety shall exercise the powers and duties as hereinabove provided for the Safety Committee, and, to the extent that same are consistent with the provision of this Charter and ordinances enacted under this Charter, the Director shall exercise the powers and duties provided by the general laws of Ohio for Directors of Public Safety in general statutory plan cities.
(Amended November 8, 2022.)