(a)    Wherever it is necessary to remove a tree or trees from a lawn strip between the sidewalk and street, otherwise known as the street right of way, in connection with the paving of a sidewalk, or the paving or widening of the portion of a street or highway used for vehicular traffic, the Municipality shall replant such trees or replace them.
(Ord. 104-7. Passed 8-2-82.)
   (b)    No person or property owner shall remove, prune or trim a tree from the street right of way for the purpose of construction or for any other reason, without first filing an application and procuring a permit from the Mayor’s Office except that public utilities need not obtain a written permit to trim those trees where the limbs interfere with or endanger their distribution lines. The fee for such a permit shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per parcel owner per project. The person or property owner shall bear the cost of removal and replacement of all trees removed. (Ord. 83-12. Passed 2-20-12.)