§ 33.03POLICY.
   (A)   First step. Employees who feel aggrieved should bring the matter to the attention of their immediate supervisor. The representative coordinator shall listen carefully to the complaint, shall attempt to discover all pertinent facts and shall attempt to adjust the matter. In any case, the representative coordinator shall respond within five working days.
   (B)   Second step. If the grievance has not been settled, it shall be presented at the next level within five working days of the representative’s response to one member of the Handicapped Nondiscrimination Committee. This person shall assist the aggrieved person in reducing the complaint to writing, to include:
      (1)   When the problem was discussed with the representative coordinator;
      (2)   What the response was;
      (3)   The reason the aggrieved person disagrees with the results; and
      (4)   What the aggrieved person thinks the proper solution should be. After the problem is satisfactorily described on paper, the assigned member of the Handicapped Nondiscrimination Committee shall attempt to settle it within five working days of receiving it.
   (C)   Third level. If the grievance still remains unsettled, it shall be presented to the third level to the entire Handicapped Nondiscrimination Committee for resolution within ten working days of the response in step three.
   (D)   Encompasses. This policy encompasses all employees of the municipal government and all residents of the township. It does not apply to applicants for employment.
(Res. 1984-006, passed 9-5-1984)