(A) Generally.
(1) Sidewalks built to township specifications shall be required where the average residential density exceeds three dwelling units per acre or where the Board of Supervisors determine they are necessary for safe pedestrian movement, such as near a school.
(2) As a modification under § 154.007, an applicant may propose an alternate system of pathways, such as a crushed stone or bituminous pathway, that serve the same purposes as sidewalks and which guarantee public access, but which are not necessarily within a street right-of-way, if approved by the Township Engineer.
(B) Pathway or bikeway.
(1) If deemed necessary for the convenient and safe circulation of bicycles and pedestrians, the Board of Supervisors, upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission, may require that a major subdivision or land development include the construction of a pathway or bikeway.
(2) A bikeway/pathway shall have a minimum width of six feet and a maximum width of 12 feet. It may be required to be placed within a street right-of-way in place of a sidewalk, or may be placed elsewhere on a lot within an easement or other right-of-way.
(C) Location and width of sidewalks.
(1) Sidewalks, where required or provided, shall be located within the street right-of-way and should be no closer than four feet from the curb line. Any area between the sidewalk and curb shall be planted in an attractive vegetative ground cover, such as grass. This strip shall only be paved at driveway entrances.
(2) Any required sidewalks shall have a minimum width of:
(a) Five feet along arterial streets or along routes used to access primary or secondary schools; and
(b) Four feet along collector or local streets in other locations.
(D) Construction.
(1) Sidewalks shall meet construction specifications in PennDOT Publication 408.
(2) Bikeways/pathways shall be constructed of a one inch bituminous surface course, a one and one-half inch bituminous binder course and six inches of compacted gravel or crushed stone, unless an alternative standard is pre-approved by the township. To the maximum extent feasible considering topography, pathways should be accessible to persons in wheelchairs. Stop signs should be posted along bikeways where they meet streets.
(E) Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the adjacent landowner to maintain, plow snow and remove ice off of and repair sidewalks.
(F) Wheelchair ramps. Ramps shall meet the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act, being 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq. and accompanying federal regulations.
(Ord. 127, passed 3-18-2010)