§ 154.165 LOTS; FLAG LOTS.
   (A)   Zoning. All lots shall conform to all requirements of the township zoning ordinance, as were in effect at the time such subdivision plan was duly submitted.
   (B)   Street frontage. Section 154.163(A)(2) shall apply.
   (C)   Average depth-to-width ratio. The average depth-to-width ratio of a lot shall generally not be greater than three to one (3:1), unless otherwise permitted by the Board of Supervisors to accommodate an unusual configuration of the site.
   (D)   Side lot lines. Side lot lines shall abut and be approximately at right angles to straight streets and on radial lines to curved streets. Pointed or very irregularly shaped lots shall be avoided.
   (E)   (1)   Lots abutting two streets on two non-contiguous sides. Lots abutting two streets on two non-contiguous sides shall ordinarily not be created except as needed to avoid direct vehicular access onto an arterial or collector street by individual driveways.
      (2)   Rear yard buffers along collector or arterial streets.
         (a)   Any residential lot of less than two acres with a rear yard directly abutting a collector or arterial street shall along such rear yard include a ten-foot wide planting strip along the back of the lot, in addition to the minium yard requirement, with access across this strip clearly prohibited on notes on any approved plan.
         (b)   In addition to any street trees required by § 154.178, this planting strip shall include evergreen plantings meeting the buffer yard requirements of the zoning ordinance or alternative landscaping approved by the township. American Arborvitae and similar weak-stem plants shall not be used.
         (c)   Any fencing in the rear of such lots shall be placed on the inside of such plantings. Such plantings shall be placed so that they do obstruct safe sight distance.
      (3)   Vehicle access. See § 154.163(A)(2)(b).
   (F)   Flag lots. Flag lots are lots that do not meet the required minimum lot width at the minimum building setback line, and which have an elongated and more narrow extension connecting the bulk of the lot area with a street. A flag lot shall only be approved where the applicant proves that a flag lot is necessary to minimize the amount of disturbance of natural features or prime agricultural land, and shall not be used to increase the number of dwelling units or lots that would otherwise be allowed on a tract. A flag lot shall need specific approval as such by the Board of Supervisors, after providing the Township Engineer and Planning Commission with an opportunity for comment.
      (1)   A maximum of one flag lot shall be allowed for each three proposed new lots in a subdivision. The township may require that a flag lot include a prohibition against future subdivision.
      (2)   Only one tier of flag lots shall be allowed.
      (3)   The flag lot shall have a driveway within the same lot, which shall connect to a public street.
      (4)   A flag lot shall only be allowed for one of the following:
         (a)   A single-family detached dwelling lot with a minimum lot area of one acre, unless a larger lot is required by the applicable zoning district; or
         (b)   A lot that is only occupied by a well, sewage pumping station, stormwater detention basin or similar utility and which is deed restricted against further development.
      (5)   The minimum lot width shall be met at the proposed front yard principal building setback line, which shall not be more than 250 feet from a public street.
      (6)   The driveway shall be suitable for access by emergency vehicles. See § 154.163(A)(4).
(Ord. 127, passed 3-18-2010)