The Township Manager shall have the following general powers and duties:
   (A)   To have and exercise all powers and duties assigned or permitted by law;
   (B)   To perform any non-legislative powers and duties of the Supervisors;
   (C)   To enforce and/or oversee the enforcement of all laws and ordinances pertaining to the township;
   (D)   To attend meetings of the Supervisors, the Township Planning Commission, the County Authority Wastewater Advisory Committee and any other commissions, committees and boards as may be needed so as to be fully informed about all activities that may affect the township;
   (E)   To keep the Supervisors informed of the affairs of the township;
   (F)   To recommend to the Supervisors such actions which may be necessary or expedient for the benefit and welfare of the township;
   (G)   To administer, supervise and be responsible for the activities of all administrative personnel, enforcement personnel, road personnel, recreational personnel and other employees of the township;
   (H)   To oversee the implementation of all major projects affecting the township, including, but not limited to, sewer, water, road construction, building, recreation and the like; and
   (I)   To be the general purchasing agent on behalf of the township, except as otherwise may be required by statute.
(Ord. 69, passed 2-1-1995; Ord. 69B, passed 4-6-2000)