(A)   All items of business properly before the Board of Supervisors at any meeting should be conducted according to the order set forth on the agenda, which shall be prepared under the direction of the Chairperson. Persons wishing to be placed on the agenda must contact the township office in writing at least 24 hours prior to the date of the meeting. The Chairperson may vary the order of the agenda at his or her discretion.
   (B)   A person wishing to speak from the floor must first raise his or her hand. Upon being recognized by the Chairperson, he or she shall rise, state his or her name and principal place of residence (if he or she has not already done so) and make his or her statements. When he or she desires to relinquish the floor, or when he or she is so directed by the Chairperson, he or she shall then be seated.
   (C)   Only one person may have the floor at any given time.
   (D)   All remarks shall be directed to the Board of Supervisors. No dialogue shall be engaged in between members of the audience unless so directed or permitted by the Chairperson.
   (E)   Any person who fails to abide by the rules of this section or who is disruptive in any manner shall be warned by the Chairperson. A person who, for the second time, fails to abide by the rules after being warned shall be considered as disrupting a lawful meeting and shall be required to leave. Said person may, at the discretion of the Chairperson, be charged with the misdemeanor of disrupting meetings and processions (18 P.S. § 5508).
   (F)   The Chairperson shall be the final arbiter of all decisions under the above rules and may waive or reinstate any rule at his or her discretion at any time without prejudice.
(Res. 1981-004, passed 7-1-1981)