§ 255-264.   Wind energy systems.
are permitted as an with conditional approval in all zoning districts subject to the following specific criteria:
   A.    , and bulk requirements.
      (1)   Setback restrictions.
         (a)    components are prohibited in front , along any frontage, and within any required setback.
         (b)    components shall not encroach upon any or easement, including but not limited to water, stormwater, , natural gas, telephone, and electrical easements.
         (c)      shall be located a minimum distance of one and one tenth times the from any property line, parking lot,   , or overhead utility line, to minimize potential harm if the should fall.
         (d)    components shall not extend over parking areas, access drives, driveways or sidewalks.
         (e)    components shall not encroach upon any stormwater management facility.
      (2)   Height restrictions.
         (a)   The minimum height of the lowest position of a blade or other moving part shall be 15 feet above the ground.
         (b)    mounted shall not exceed the maximum height restriction imposed upon principal and accessory and within the applicable zoning district. For purposes of height measurement, mounted shall be considered equipment or mechanical devices and are restricted consistent with the height limitations applicable to other mounted equipment or mechanical devices in the zoning district in which the is located.
         (c)    -mounted wind shall be limited as follows:
0–1.99 acres
35 feet
2–2.99 acres
40 feet
3–3.99 acres
45 feet
4–4.99 acres
50 feet
5–9.99 acres
55 feet
10–14.99 acres
65 feet
15–19.99 acres
85 feet
   B.   Design and installation requirements.
      (1)    shall be installed in compliance with all applicable and codes, including regulations with respect to stormwater management and impervious cover.
      (2)   The design and installation of all shall conform to applicable industry standards, including those of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Underwriters Laboratories, Det Norske Veritas, Germanischer Lloyd Wind Energies, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), and other similar certifying organizations.
      (3)   When an accessory is necessary for storage cells or related equipment, the accessory shall comply with the accessory requirements specified within the underlying zoning district.
      (4)   All , other than the manufacturer’s or installer’s identification, appropriate warning , or owner identification on a or associated with a , shall be prohibited.
      (5)   No illumination of a or shall be allowed unless required by the Federal Aviation Administration.
      (6)   Any climbing foot pegs or ladder rungs below twelve feet on a   shall be secured to prevent unauthorized climbing.
      (7)   All on-site utility and transmission lines shall be placed underground.
      (8)    and shall be a non-obtrusive color such as white, off-white or gray.
      (9)   All shall be equipped with an appropriate braking system. This includes both overspeed controls and mechanical brakes. Stall regulation shall not be considered a sufficient braking system for overspeed protection.
      (10)   A clearly visible warning concerning voltage must be placed on all electrical equipment.
      (11)   Visible, reflective, colored objects, such as flags, reflectors, or tape shall be placed on the anchor points of all guy wires and along all guy wires up to a height of ten feet from the ground.
      (12)   The location of a shall be clear of and shall not interfere with any existing, trees, , wires and the like.
      (13)   A or other component that is part of a mounted is exempt from visual screening requirements specified by the Code of the Township of Upper Dublin outside of this article.
   C.   Operation and .
      (1)    shall not interfere with any broadcast, radio, wireless or other telecommunication signals or facilities.
      (2)    shall not generate noise that exceeds 55 decibels nor 10 decibels above ambient noise in any one hour, whichever is higher. Noise is measured at the property line. The ambient sound measurement, known as “A-weighted sound level” is taken where the noise from the cannot be heard, or with the shut down. The ambient sound level shall be considered the level that is exceeded 90% of the time when the noise measurements are taken. The 55 decibel or 10 decibel level may be exceeded during short-term events such as utility outages and/or severe wind storms.
      (3)    shall not produce on any occupied not on the where the is located.
      (4)   All access doors to and electrical equipment shall be locked or fenced, as appropriate, to prevent entry by unauthorized .
   D.   Decommissioning requirements.
      (1)   If a remains unserviceable for a continuous period of one year, the system shall be deemed to be abandoned and shall constitute a public nuisance. The owner shall remove the system within six months of abandonment after a demolition has been obtained in accordance with the following:
         (a)   Any aboveground mechanical equipment, wiring, and structural components shall be removed.
         (b)   Underground wiring and structural components shall be removed and the resulting void space filled.
      (2)   When a is removed, any disturbed earth as a result of the removal of the system shall be restored, graded and reseeded.