It is hereby declared as a matter of public policy that the preservation and protection of
and sites of historic, architectural, cultural, archaeological, educational and aesthetic merit are a public benefit and are in the interests of the health, prosperity and welfare of the people of Upper Dublin Township. To that end, a separate zoning district is hereby created to overlay all other zoning districts in the Township. The provisions of this article, coupled with the provisions of Chapter 73 and Chapter 127, are intended to:
A. Promote the general welfare by protecting the integrity of the
of Upper Dublin Township.
B. Provide incentives for the continued
and to facilitate their appropriate reuse.
C. Establish a clear and public process by which proposed land
incentives affecting
can be reviewed.
D. Discourage the unnecessary demolition of
E. Encourage the conservation of historic settings and landscapes.
F. Promote retention of historical integrity in the context of proposed land
and/or structural changes.