All applications shall be filed and processed in compliance with Article XXV. In addition, applicants shall demonstrate compliance with the following:
A. Existing conditions analysis: All existing trees over six inches in caliper shall be shown on the plan. Healthy mature trees shall be preserved to the greatest extent possible and incorporated into the development's site plan.
B. Architectural characteristics: The applicant shall submit drawings with the application to demonstrate compliance with the standards, including
elevations, colored renderings, and signage.
C. Traffic control: The preliminary land
application shall be accompanied by a transportation impact study, parking analysis, and pedestrian analysis as further provided in § 212-35.1 of the Township Subdivision and Land Development Code.
(1) New applications shall provide shared access, cross-access easements, driveway interconnections, shared parking and parking easements with other properties in order to facilitate the legislative intent of this District.
(2) Access easements and maintenance agreements or other suitable legal mechanisms shall be provided, acceptable to the Board of Commissioners.
(3) When it is not yet appropriate to construct driveway interconnections, shared access or shared parking, access easements shall be set aside for future
(4) The number of vehicle trips shall be limited to 750 per day for each driveway. If a driveway serves two or more properties, the number of vehicle trips shall be limited to 750 per day times the number of properties served. If a driveway intersects with a public
at a signalized intersection, the limitation on the number of vehicle trips per day shall be increased by 375 vehicle trips for each additional
category on a
D. Village characteristics. The design of any
proposed for the Jarrettown Village District shall have a compact
and site layout that has a pedestrian orientation (i.e., the mass, scale and placement of
, pathways and gathering spaces is such that people perceive themselves to be in an outdoor "room").
(1) Pedestrian spaces, including gathering areas and linkages, shall be physically and/or visually separated and differentiated from vehicular spaces to create a feeling of comfort and perception of safety.
(2) The site layout shall provide direct, convenient and safe pedestrian access to the
and to and between
on the
(3) The village design shall create an orderly mix of compatible and complementary land
that meet the needs of area residents, and conform to all of the applicable requirements of this chapter.
E. Preservation of
. The applicant shall submit with its application for land
a form of facade easement/preservation covenant providing for the
and the facade of any
on the property to be preserved in perpetuity. The Board of Commissioners may approve the land
plan subject to alterations in the form of the easement or covenant, the final form of which shall be subject to the approval of the Township Solicitor. The final land
plan and the easement or covenant shall be recorded at the same time with the Recorder of Deeds, Norristown, PA.