The Jarrettown Village District is intended and designed to:
A. Apply only to properties that contain existing
as determined by the Board of Commissioners.
B. Require the preservation of existing historic
by permitting their renovation and adaptive reuse for a variety of residential and nonresidential
and by providing a variety of incentives to preserve existing historic
C. Provide for the creation of a pedestrian-friendly village center composed of limited commercial and office
as well as residential
, all of which are compatible with the existing residential
D. Provide regulations that permit infill
at a scale and intensity that is appropriate for surrounding
, in an architectural style that is compatible with existing historic
E. Require
additions to be to the rear or side of
and to reflect the design elements of
with respect to massing, texture,
materials, color, and fenestration.
F. Require buffering and landscaping to protect adjacent residential