All conditional
applications shall be filed and processed in compliance with Article XXV. In addition, applicants shall demonstrate compliance with the following:
A. Existing conditions analysis. All existing trees over six inches in caliper shall be shown on the plan.
B. Architectural characteristics. The applicant shall submit drawings to demonstrate compliance with the standards, including
elevations, colored renderings and signage.
C. Traffic control. The conditional
application shall be accompanied by a transportation impact study, parking analysis and pedestrian analysis as further provided in § 212-35.1.
(1) New applications shall provide shared access, access easements, cross easements, driveway interconnections,
and parking easements with other properties in order to facilitate the objectives of this District.
(2) Access easements and maintenance agreements or other suitable legal mechanisms shall be provided, acceptable to the Board of Commissioners.
(3) When it is not yet appropriate to construct driveway interconnections, shared access or
, access easements shall be set aside for future