§ 255-210.   Preservation area standards.
   A.   Each shall contain a to be included as part of the common open space which shall meet the following minimum net area requirements:
      (1)   Fifty percent when the is entirely contained on a separate (s) not intended for residential or on a single containing the entire residential .
      (2)   Sixty percent in all other cases.
   B.   Land designated as shall conform to the following:
      (1)    shall preserve and protect the tract's significant .
      (2)   No more than 75% of the shall be comprised of designated hazard districts, wetlands or slopes of 25% or greater.
      (3)   Any area designated as a shall be no less than one acre or less than 75 feet in width or have a ratio of the longest to shortest dimension exceeding four to one, except areas which serve as public pedestrian links. No or shall be counted towards the requirements.
      (4)   There shall be no more than three noncontiguous . (5) may be used for the following:
         (a)   Conservation of in its natural state (for example, woodland, land under natural succession, fallow field or managed meadow).
         (b)   Passive recreation including, but not limited to, trails, picnic areas, community gardens and lawn areas.
   C.   Design standards. shall be located and designed to:
      (1)   Protect in compliance with the intent of this article.
      (2)   Maximize common boundaries with on adjacent .
   D.   Prohibited . The following are prohibited in areas:
      (1)   Use of motor vehicles except within approved driveways and parking areas. Maintenance, law enforcement, and emergency vehicles are permitted, as needed.
      (2)   Cutting of healthy trees, regrading, removal, altering, diverting or modifying or bodies, except in compliance with a land management plan for the in question conforming to customary and applicable Township standards of forestry, erosion control and engineering.
   E.   Modification of . shall generally be maintained in their natural condition, but may be modified to improve their appearance, functioning or overall condition, as recommended by experts in the particular area being modified. Permitted modifications may include:
      (1)   Reforestation.
      (2)   Woodland management.
      (3)   Meadow management.
      (4)   Buffer area landscaping.
      (5)   Stream bank protections.
      (6)   Wetlands management.