A. In any instance where the Zoning Hearing Board is required to consider a variance,
or any other challenge brought before it in accordance with this chapter or the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code,
the Board shall, among other things: [Amended 1-10-1995 by Ord. No. 879]
(1) Consider the suitability of the property for the
desired; assure itself that the proposed change is consistent with the spirit, purpose and intent of this chapter.
(2) Determine that the proposed change will not substantially injure or detract from the
of neighboring property or from the character of the
and that the
of the property adjacent to the area included in the proposed change or plan is adequately safeguarded.
(3) Determine that the proposed change will serve the best interests of the Township, the convenience of the community (where applicable) and the public welfare.
(4) Consider the effect of the proposed change upon the logical, efficient and economical extension of the public service and facilities such as public water, sewers, police and fire protection and public
(5) Consider the suitability of the proposed location of an industrial or commercial
with respect to the probable effects upon highway traffic and assure adequate access arrangements in order to protect major
from undue congestion and hazard.
(6) Be guided in its study, review and recommendation by sound standards of
practice, where applicable.
(7) Determine that there are special circumstances or conditions fully described in the findings applying to the land or
for which the variance is sought, which circumstances or conditions are such that the application of the provisions of this chapter should deprive the applicant of the reasonable
of such land or
(8) Determine that the unique circumstances for which the variance is sought were neither created by the owner of the property nor were due to or the result of general conditions in the district in which the property is located.
B. Conditions should be increased greatly in detail, especially when reviewing
. The Board should state the methods of plan preparation, review and approval (Planning Commission and Commissioners) and what zoning ordinances and/or
regulations apply and impose such conditions, in addition to those required, as are necessary to assure that the intent of this chapter is complied with, which conditions may include but are not limited to harmonious design of
, planting and its maintenance as a
or sound screen, the minimizing of noxious, offensive or hazardous elements and adequate standards of parking and sanitation.
40. Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.