[Amended 1-10-1995 by Ord. No. 879]
shall be executed in accordance with, the following essential conditions:
A. The
shall be consistent with this chapter and with the purpose of the ordinances to promote the health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the Township.
B. The
shall consist of an harmonious selection of
and grouping of
, service and parking areas, circulation and open spaces, planned and designed as an integrated unit, in such manner as to constitute a safe, efficient and convenient retail shopping center. The distance at the closest point between
or groups of attached
shall be not less than 12 feet.
C. The appropriate
of property adjacent to the center shall be safeguarded. Where such center abuts any residential district, a suitable and uninterrupted planting screen, not less than 25 feet in depth, shall be provided and maintained by the owner of the shopping center. Lighting facilities shall be arranged in a manner which will protect the highway and neighboring properties from direct glare or hazardous interference of any kind.
D. All
within the center shall be served by a central sanitary sewage disposal system and public water supply and available public utilities.
E. Adequate provision shall be made for safe and efficient pedestrian and vehicular traffic circulation within the boundaries of the center.
F. Provision shall be made for safe and efficient ingress and egress to and from public
and to highways serving the center without undue congestion to or interference with normal traffic flow within the municipality. All points of vehicular access to and from public
shall be located not less than 200 feet from the intersection of any public
with each other.
G. Parking shall be provided as required by Article XIX of this chapter. [Amended 6-11-2002 by Ord. No. 1089]
H. All access
, parking areas, service and other areas for vehicular
shall be paved with bituminous or other concrete material to a minimum standard of secondary
of the Pennsylvania Department of Highways.
I. All utility lines serving the center shall be placed underground.
J. (Reserved)
K. If the
of the center is to be carried out in progressive stages, each stage shall be so planned that the foregoing requirements and the intent of this chapter shall be fully complied with at the completion of any stage. The initial stage of
shall comprise a total ground-floor area of not less than 25,000 square feet and at least three of the selected and designated
L. Required minimum area and
and maximum
and impervious coverage regulations shall be as follows: [Amended 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 1138]
: six acres.
(2) Front
: 40 feet.
(3) Side
(each): 50 feet.
(4) Rear
: 50 feet.
: 15% of total
: 75% of total
M. Required height. The maximum height of any
erected or enlarged in this district shall be 40 feet, except that the height of any such other
may be increased to a maximum of 65 feet, provided that for every foot of height in excess of 40 feet there shall be added to each
requirement one corresponding foot of width or depth.
N. The Board of Commissioners may prescribe particular requirements or any further reasonable conditions deemed appropriate with respect to the suitability of the shopping center in the
30. Editor's Note: Former Subsection J, concerning
, was repealed 7-10-2001 by Ord. No. 1066. See Art. XXI for