§ 255-81.   Lot, yard and bulk regulations.
In case of each or of land developed for an Apartment House Special District, the following area and height regulations shall apply:
   A.    . The total area of the or shall be not less than 10 acres, and the ratio of width to length or length to width shall be not more than 3:1 in either case.
   B.    . of shall not exceed 20 units per acre. However, the may be increased by one unit per acre for every two enclosed .
   C.   Surface area. [Amended 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 1139]
      (1)    . Not more than 15% of the area of the or may be occupied by , exclusive of terraces, walkways and parking facilities.
      (2)    . The of a or may not exceed 60%.
   D.    and placement.
      (1)   Front . There shall be a front on each of which the or abuts which shall be not less than 75 feet in depth.
      (2)   Side . There shall be two side , neither of which shall be less than 50 feet in width.
      (3)   Rear . There shall be a rear which shall be not less than 50 feet in depth.
      (4)   (4) The side and rear requirements may be waived to provide for parking , under the following conditions only: [Amended 1-10-1995 by Ord. No. 879]
         (a)   When the rear or side abuts unzoned railroad land or fully developed industrial or heavy commercial .
         (b)   When the parking is necessary to provide for adequate circulation elsewhere on the or to provide maximum separation between automobiles and pedestrians on the front of the .
      (5)   When the parking is so situated that it is in no place adjacent to the front of any adjoining properties.
   E.   Height. No shall have a height of less than 50 feet or five stories, whichever is less, and shall not be higher than 10 stories or 120 feet, whichever is less, exclusive of equipment.