§ 255-43.2.   Age Qualified Residential Community. 
[Added 3-11-2014 by Ord. No. 14-1284, §§ 1, 3]
In an A Residential District, in addition to the provisions at § 255-43 above, shall be a permitted and the following regulations shall apply to that :
   A.   Any shall require a minimum , calculated pursuant to § 255-43D of 35 acres.
   B.    , and bulk requirements.
6,000 square feet
Width at minimum (minimum)
65 feet
Width at actual   (minimum)
70 feet
Front (minimum)
20 feet
Side (minimum)
10 feet
Distance between –side to side
20 feet
Rear (minimum)
15 feet
height (maximum)
27 feet*
Not permitted
Minimum setback of individual residential from adjoining residentially zoned property, measured from any within
50 feet
Minimum setback of individual residential within from of abutting public roadways
75 feet
* . The ’s vertical measurement from the first floor ground elevation (not ) to a point midway between the highest and lowest points of the roof.
   C.    . The maximum permitted shall be 2.9 units per . (Total number of to be rounded up if fraction greater than 0.75 or down if 0.75 or less.)
   D.   Open Space. A minimum of 20% of the shall be retained as open space for of the residents to include recreation, leisure activities, resource protection, stormwater management facilities and minimum setback areas from abutting properties or abutting ultimate   . Open space areas having a dimension less than 30 feet in width or containing an individual area less than 20,000 square feet shall not be counted toward this minimum 20% requirement.
   E.   The required setback areas on the perimeter of the site shall be utilized for a combination of landscape buffering, earthen berm buffering and stormwater management to effect a suitable screening of the from abutting public rights-of-way and to provide appropriate buffering between the Community and adjoining residential properties.
   F.   Perpetual guarantee:
      (1)   A property which has been developed to the special standards allowed for the   shall not, at any time in the future, change from age-restricted unless all of the standards for the other are complied with.
      (2)   An applicant for an   shall provide at the time of final plan approval proof of deed restrictions or other documentation satisfactory to the Township Solicitor that limits the residential of the property to one where the residents are restricted by age in compliance with the Federal Fair Housing Act.
      (3)   Any associated with an   shall include in their bylaws provisions to restrict and enforce the restriction of residents by age in compliance with the Federal Fair Housing Act and the provisions of applicable Township regulations. Such provisions may not be amended unless approved by the Township.
      (4)   Should the fail to enforce the age restrictions, the Township reserves the right to do so by any lawful means, including the imposition of fines on the violating residents and/or the .
   G.   Special design considerations– . The following design criteria shall be applicable to an , and shall supersede any conflicting provisions in other Township ordinances, including the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 212]:
      (1)   Front setback. Not more than two adjacent shall provide the same front setback for each . There shall be a minimum difference in front setback of five feet for compliance with this requirement. Front setback on the undedicated internal roadways shall be measured from face of curb if no sidewalk and back of sidewalk where sidewalk provided.
      (2)   Corner . Each corner shall have one front , two side and one rear . The internal parallel to the front of the shall determine the front .
      (3)   Internal pedestrian circulation. Sidewalk shall be provided on one side of all internal roadways, unless provision is made for a comprehensive internal trail system designed to standards acceptable to the Township. Any provision for trail in lieu of sidewalk to be approved in the discretion of the Board of Commissioners.
      (4)   Internal cartway. Cartway width for all internal roadways shall be a minimum of 26 feet from face of curb to face of curb. All internal roadways shall be undedicated and shall be the maintenance responsibility of the .
      (5)   Public pedestrian . An shall provide sidewalk in accordance with Township design criteria along the perimeter of the site bordering any public roadway. A macadam trail may be substituted in the discretion of the Board of Commissioners, at a width and along such perimeter areas as shall be determined by the Board in furtherance of Township open space considerations and trail plans. Any such sidewalk and/or trail shall be within dedicated or within an easement area established for the benefit of public usage.
      (6)   Private system. All internal roadways are to be privately owned and maintained by the for the Community. Access to and from bordering public roadways shall be established in a manner to prevent thru-public traffic. The Board of Commissioners may approve of a single point of access from an adjoining public roadway provided an acceptable emergency access to and from an abutting public roadway is provided. The primary access shall be designed in boulevard configuration with 20-foot wide cartways separated by an eight-foot center island, same extending to an appropriate point within the interior roadway system as determined in the discretion of the Board of Commissioners.
      (7)   Trash removal. As all internal roadways are to be privately owned, the shall have responsibility to provide for trash removal for the and clubhouse amenity within the Community.