§ 255-43.1.   A-1 and A-2 Residential Districts.
[Added 12-14-1999 by Ord. No. 1014; amended 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 1138]
   A.   In an A-1 Residential District, the following regulations shall apply:
      (1)   With a public water supply and installed and capped for future , as approved by the Township as a condition of approval of a plan, as follows:
26,000 square feet
Width at (minimum)
120 feet
Front (minimum)
50 feet
Side , each (minimum)
25 feet
Rear (minimum)
50 feet
Height (maximum)
35 feet
20 feet
15% of the total
25% of the total
      (2)   With and a public water supply, as follows:
22,000 square feet
Width at (minimum)
110 feet
Front (minimum)
50 feet
Side , each (minimum)
25 feet
Rear (minimum)
50 feet
Height (maximum)
35 feet
20 feet and not exceeding one story
15% of the total
25% of the total
   B.   In an A-2 Residential District, a residential plan is required in accordance with Article VI, Planned Residential Areas, of this chapter. Public water and are required. The following regulations shall apply:
15,000 square feet, however, at least 40% of the in the must be 18,000 square feet or larger
Width at (minimum)
100 feet
Front (minimum)
40 feet
Side , each (minimum)
An aggregate of 40 feet, minimum of 15 feet for either side. A side may be further reduced to 10 feet, provided that the adjacent is not already 10 feet on the side facing thereto.
Rear (minimum)
40 feet
Height (maximum)
35 feet
20 feet and not exceeding one story
15% of total