[Added 10-14-2008 by Ord. No. 1205, § 2]
for temporary storage on properties used for residential purposes in the A, A-1, A-2, B and C Residence Districts are permitted as a temporary
subject to the following provisions:
A. No more than two
shall be permitted on a property at any time.
B. A
(s) may be placed on a
for up to 14 days if used in conjunction with the movement of household goods.
C. A
may be placed on a
for up to 90 days with the issuance of a Zoning
by the Code Enforcement Department. However, if the container is being used in conjunction with a project for which a
has been issued for the property where it is placed, the container may remain on the property until the completion of the project.
D. It shall be prohibited to
for more than 90 days within a 12-month period, except as permitted above.
E. Except for
(s) placed on a
for 14 days or less, no such unit may display advertising except for the name, address and telephone number of the vendor, and that information must be contained within a space no larger than eight square feet.
may not be used to store hazardous substances as defined in Chapter 117 of the Upper Dublin Code.
must be delivered and maintained in good condition, free of evidence of deterioration, weathering, discoloration, rust, ripping, tearing or having holes or breaks.
must be locked when not in active
I. Required setbacks
(1) The unit shall be set back a minimum of six feet from a side or rear property line.
(2) On properties having driveways, the unit must be located at least 10 feet from the sidewalk (if present) or edge of the
(3) On properties without driveways, the unit may be located in the
after issuance of a
by the Public Works Department.