§ 212-24.   Drainage.
[Amended 7-14-1998 by Ord. No. 973; 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11- 1240, § 12]
   A.   General provisions. All and must be designed in conformance with the provisions set forth in the Township Code, Chapter 206, Stormwater Management.
   B.   Requirements. [Amended 7-14-1998 by Ord. No. 973; 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 1139]
      (1)   When required. Stormwater management facilities shall be required to be constructed by the to take stormwater and surface water from the bottom of vertical , the of which on both sides toward the bottom; to lead water away from springs; and to avoid excessive of cross gutters at intersections and elsewhere.
      (2)    .   shall be required along natural to a minimum width of 25 feet from the center line and may be used for storm and sanitary sewers and as . Where conditions warrant, such as in and , additional width shall be required in such cases where treatment requires a wider . studies must prove such requirements beyond the or .
      (3)   Dedication. Where stormwater or surface water will be gathered within the or and discharged or drained in volume over lands within or beyond the boundaries of the or , the , or shall reserve or obtain over all lands affected. The shall be adequate for such discharge of and for carrying off of such water and for the maintenance, repair and reconstruction of the same, including vehicles, machinery and other equipment for such purposes, and which shall be of sufficient width for such passage and work. The , or shall convey, at no cost, the to the Township upon demand.
   C.   Design.
      (1)   Computations and design. All computations and design shall be in accordance with the provisions set forth in Township Code, Chapter 206, Stormwater Management. [Amended 7-14-1998 by Ord. No. 973]
      (2)   Size. Storm drains shall be adequate for the anticipated when the area is fully developed as permitted by zoning. They shall have a minimum internal diameter of 18 inches and a minimum of ½ of 1%. [Amended 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240]
      (3)   Change in direction. Manholes or inlets shall be constructed at all changes in horizontal or vertical alignment.
      (4)   Stormwater roof drains. Direct connections of roof drains to and stormwater management facilities are prohibited. Roof shall be infiltrated on or conveyed into on the property or to a stormwater management facility through vegetated conveyances. Discharges from roof drains onto sidewalks, or parking areas or into gutters are prohibited. [Amended 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 1139]
      (5)    from unnatural sources. Water originating from other than natural sources, such as air-conditioning units, sump pumps or other dry weather flow, wherever practicable, shall be connected to the storm system of the township or discharged into on the property, at the direction of the Township . These facilities may not be used for pollution matter. Water from swimming pools or similar containing chlorine shall be pretreated to remove chlorine to acceptable limits prior to discharge to a or a township storm sewer system. [Amended 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 1139]
      (6)   Streams and . Changes to natural streams shall be made only when specifically applied for and approved. Realignment must conform to proper hydraulic design and shall involve the dedication of of adequate width to make feasible future maintenance. Approval of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmen tal Protection will be required prior to any stream changes. When submitting a involving the construction or realignment of a , there shall be submitted, in duplicate, copies of the designer’s hydraulic computations. It is the responsibility of any person, corporation or other entity doing any act on or across a communal stream, or or upon the or during the pendency of the activity and to return it to its original or equal condition after such activity is completed. [Amended 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240]
      (7)   Bridges and culverts. Bridges and culverts shall be designed to meet current Pennsylvania Department of Transportation design criteria and for construction and shall be constructed to the full width of the . Waterway openings for areas exceeding ½ square mile shall be approved by the Division of Dams and Encroachments, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources. When submitting a involving the construction of bridges or culverts, there shall be submitted, in duplicate, copies of the designer’s computations, both as to hydraulic and structural design.
      (8)   Construction. All , including pipe, inlets, manholes, endwalls, trenches, , ditches and incidental items of work, shall be constructed in accordance with the of Upper Dublin Township. 13
      (9)   All showing the proposed storm sewer construction must be accompanied by a complete design submitted by the registered or surveyor.
      (10)   When or are submitted to the township for approval in sections, a complete stormwater management design for the proposed and shall be submitted. The proposed design must include the entire tract and not just a portion. [Amended 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 1139]
      (11)   If only a section of or is contemplated for construction, the shall show how he proposes to handle stormwater from this section in order to prevent damage to adjacent properties. If temporary construction is required, the shall include such in the submitted. In the event that such temporary measures cannot ensure protection to adjacent properties, then the main outfall line of the storm sewer shall be included as part of the construction for the proposed section. 14
      (12)   No aboveground stormwater management , as defined by Chapter 206, shall be located within 20 feet of any front, side or rear property line, with the exception of stormwater discharge or conveyance . [Added 4-12-2016 by Ord. No. 16-1316]
      (13)   No aboveground stormwater management , as defined by Chapter 206, shall be located within 20 feet of any existing or proposed or . [Added 4-12-2016 by Ord. No. 16-1316]
13.   Editor’s Note: The Standards are on file in the Public Works Department.
14.   Editor’s Note: Former Sec. 4.11., Special Problems, Flood-Prone Areas and , which immediately followed this section, was deleted 1-10-1995 by Ord. No. 879. For current provisions, see Ch. 122, Flood Damage Prevention.