§ 212-22.   Existing structures.
   A.   No of land will be approved with the property line extending through any portions of any existing .
   B.   If a is to remain:
      (1)   In residential zoning districts of the Township, the size and the dimensions of the newly created containing the must be in scale with the and bulk of the even if this requires a and/or dimensions exceeding the minimum zoning requirement for that district. proposed on the vacant portions of lands being subdivided shall conform to the extent possible with the , bulk, materials and architectural character of the existing in the immediate vicinity, and the   shall show   at suitable detail.
      (2)   In other zoning districts of the Township (especially commercial and industrial districts), the of the land must provide adequate service and parking facilities, etc., in keeping with the minimum requirements of Chapter 255, Zoning, for each and cumulatively for all in the . No will be approved in such instances if the servicing and/or parking facilities, etc., attendant to the existing are deemed inadequate or would be considered to become inadequate with the of the now-vacant lands. Any new contemplated on the newly subdivided parcels shall be in conformity with the existing in the immediate vicinity to the extent possible in regards to , bulk, material and architectural character, and the   shall show   at suitable detail.
      (3)   Alterations and replacements will be permitted within the existing , but exterior extensions of the must conform to the requirements of Chapter 255, Zoning.