§ 212-15.   Streets.
[Amended 11-14-1989 by Ord. No. 771; 1-10-1995 by Ord. No. 879; 9-23-2003 by Ord. No. 1114; 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 1136; 11-14-2006 by Ord. No. 1173; 11- 14-2006 by Ord. No. 1174; 11-13-2007 by Ord. No. 1188, § 1; 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240, § 5]
All new and widened portions of all existing intended for public shall be dedicated to the Township, subject to final acceptance based on compliance with the following requirements: [Amended 11-13-2007 by Ord. No. 1188]
   A.    system.
      (1)   Conformance with adopted . The proposed pattern shall be properly regulated to existing , to the Township of and to such county and state road and highway as have been duly adopted by the respective agency.
      (2)   Arrangement. shall be arranged in a manner to meet with the approval of the Board of Commissioners, considered in relation to both existing and planned , and located so as to allow proper of surrounding properties. Secondary and through highways shall be connected with such existing and highways so as to form continuations thereof. shall be laid out to discourage their as or through highways.
      (3)   Conformity with topography. shall be adjusted to the contour of the land so as to produce usable and of reasonable , alignment and .
      (4)    . The shall be graded to the full width of the and provision made for beyond the in conformance with the applicable .
      (5)   Provisions of for future . Access shall be given to all and portions of the tract in the and to adjacent unsubdivided territory. giving such access shall be improved to the limits of the . Remnants, and landlocked areas shall not be created.
      (6)   New . New shall be laid out to continue existing at equal or greater and width, where practical.
      (7)   Dead-end . Dead-end are prohibited, unless designed as culs-de-sac or designed for access exclusively to neighboring tracts.
      (8)    names and signs. No names shall be used which will duplicate or be confused with the name of an existing . All names are subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners. Existing names shall be projected whenever possible. Signposts and nameplates, approved by the Township, shall be placed at intersections at the cost of the .
      (9)   Obstructions. No fences, , hedges, walls, plantings or other obstructions shall be located within or be permitted to grow into the . at street and intersections must be in accordance with ECSIP 7.1  [Amended 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240]
      (10)    . The dedication of at the edges of a new is prohibited. If circumstances render this impracticable, adequate provision for the concurrent dedication of the remaining half of the must be furnished by the , or . When there exists a in an adjoining , the remaining half shall be provided by the proposed .
      (11)   Setbacks. No may be created within a tract that would impose on an abutting property an increased setback requirement under the provisions of Chapter 255 of the Township Code.
   B.    width, paving width and curbing, width, , alignment and intersection specifications shall be in accordance with the Engineering and Construction in force at the time and available at the Township , except as provided for below:
      (1)   Minor developed pursuant to the requirements of the Preservation District shall have a of not less than 34 feet and a paving width of not less than 18 feet. In all events, the shall extend no less than eight feet beyond both edges of the paving.
      (2)   Internal designed for two-way traffic, developed in a compact, pedestrian oriented, residential pursuant to the requirements of the Mobile Home Development District, shall have a of not less than 40 feet and a paving width of not less than 22 feet. Internal designed for one way traffic shall have a of not less than 36 feet and a paving width of not less than 18 feet. In all cases, the shall extend a minimum of nine feet beyond both edges of the paving.
         (a)   The paving width for with curbing in a compact, pedestrian oriented, residential shall be a minimum of 14 feet. If curbing is not required by the Township for stormwater management purposes, then the paving width may be reduced to 12 feet.
         (b)   The centerline radii in a compact, pedestrian oriented, residential shall be a minimum of 50 feet.
[Amended 11-13-2007 by Ord. No. 1188]
   C.    paving. All paving must conform to the of Upper Dublin Township 8  and be approved by the Township prior to acceptance by the . All , horizontal curves, vertical curves, intersections, and tangents shall conform to the requirements established by this chapter and shall be subject to the approval of the Township .
   D.   Access to public and private .
      (1)   Each and every or hereafter created or subdivided, and each and every existing upon which a is proposed to be erected in the Township, shall abut a which has been improved to Township for a public unless the Board of Commissioners has granted a conditional pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 255 for construction on a private which has not been thus improved.
      (2)   The Township will not assume responsibility for providing public services, such as trash collection, snowplowing, road or maintenance on a private . Trash collection and snowplowing services may be requested and provided by the Township on condition that all owners of property on the private agree and the condition of the private conforms to guidelines established by the Public Works Department. Deed restrictions covering the aforesaid shall be recorded against all properties on a private , with the owners whose front on the private being fully responsible for the maintenance and of the . Private which exceed 500 feet in length shall have private hydrants installed at such intervals as shall be mandated by the Fire Marshal for .
   E.   The following lane configurations shall apply with respect to Norristown Road, Welsh Road and Limekiln Pike in the Maple Glen Overlay District, subject to PennDOT approval:
Roadway Feature
Limekiln Pike
Norristown Road
Roadway Feature
Limekiln Pike
Norristown Road
Left parking aisle
Left bike lane
Outer left travel lane
Inner left travel lane
Inner right travel lane
Outer right travel lane
Right bike lane
Right parking aisle
7.1.   Upper Dublin Township’s most current Engineering Construction Standards and Improvements Procedures.
8.   Editor’s Note: The Standards are on file in the Public Works Department.