§ 212-14.   General principles, requirements and standards. 
[Amended 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240, § 4]
The following principles of and , general requirements and minimum of design shall be observed by the in all instances:
   A.   All portions of a tract being subdivided shall be taken up in , , public lands or other proposed so that remnants and landlocked areas shall not be created.
   B.   When only a portion of a tract is being reviewed relative to and , but where future or is imminent, the shall demonstrate that the remainder of the tract or parcel may be subdivided or developed in conformance with the existing zoning classification of land in a logical and satisfactory manner, as a condition of approval of his .
   C.   Whenever possible, shall preserve , groves, , , , scenic points, historic and cultural resources and other community assets and landmarks. [Amended 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 1139]
   D.    and should be laid out so as to avoid the necessity for excessive or unless specifically warranted by terrain or location.
   E.   Land within the Conservation District or any shall not be subdivided or developed for any purpose or except for those permitted within the Conservation District under Chapter 255, Article XXII, Conservation District. [Amended 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 1139]
   F.   The included in these regulations are minimum design requirements. However, the Board of Commissioners reserves the right in any case to increase the same if conditions so warrant.
   G.   Where literal compliance with the hereinafter specified is clearly impractical, the Board of Commissioners may modify or adjust the to permit reasonable utilization of property while securing substantial conformance with the objectives of the regulations.
   H.   Where no public water supply is available to the or , the Board of Commissioners shall require the , or to obtain from the District Sanitarian of the Department of Environmental Resources certificates of approval as to the quality and adequacy of the water supply proposed to be utilized by the , or and approval of the type and construction methods to be employed in the installation of the individual water supply system, in accordance with current state regulations. If water is to be provided by means other than by private wells owned and maintained by the individual owners of within the or , shall present evidence to the governing body or planning agency, as the case may be, that the or is to be supplied by a certificated , a bona fide cooperative association of owners or by a municipal corporation, authority or utility. A copy of a certificate of public convenience from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or an application for such certificate, a cooperative agreement or a commitment or agreement to serve the area in question, whichever is appropriate, shall be acceptable evidence. [Amended 1-10-1995 by Ord. No. 879]
   I.   Where the or is inaccessible to sanitary sewers, the Board of Commissioners shall require the , or to obtain from the District Sanitarian of the Department of Environmental Resources certificates of approval of the sewage disposal facilities to be provided by the , or , in accordance with current state regulations.
   J.    shall observe the for contiguous existing as prescribed by the Township. Additional portions of the corridors for such shall be offered to the government agency having jurisdiction at the time the or is consummated. Applicable , as defined by Chapter 255, Zoning, shall be delineated as measured from the . [Amended 1-10- 1995 by Ord. No. 879]
   K.   Proposed and shall be coordinated with the existing nearby neighborhood so that the community as a whole may develop harmoniously.
   L.   Areas provided or reserved for such community facilities shall be adequate to provide for   , landscaping and off-street parking as appropriate to the proposed. The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or refuse offers of dedication for public .
   M.    construction requirements shall be completed under the Engineering and Construction Standards of Upper Dublin Township, 7  the specifications of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Department of Environmental Resources, the Montgomery County Conservation District or other appropriate agencies or the specifications included herein, whichever specifications shall result in the more favorable interpretation of this Article.
   N.   Construction of facilities. The , or shall, where specified by the Board of Commissioners, construct and install, with no expense to the Township, the , curbs, sidewalks, water mains, sanitary and storm sewers, streetlights, fire hydrants, signs, shade , monuments and other facilities and utilities specified in this Article. Construction and installation of such facilities and utilities shall be subject to inspection by appropriate Township officials during the progress of the work, and the shall pay for inspection.
   O.   Sewage Facilities Planning. All construction projects that propose new or expanded plumbing/sewage facilities require DEP review under the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (Act 537). No final or approval will be issued until sewage planning has been approved by DEP through the issuance of a planning module approval or an exemption from planning, or until DEP has issued a letter stating that sewage planning is not required. [Added 6-14-2011 by Ord. No. 11-1240]
7. Editor’s Note: These Standards are on file in the Public Works Department.