[Amended 5-9-1989 by Ord. No. 767]
A. The Township shall not be responsible for the repair or replacement of any mailbox placed within the legal right-of-way of any public highway, road, street, avenue, lane or alley. However, to alleviate the possibility of damage due to snow plowing and vehicular traffic, the following guidelines must be complied with:
(1) Mailboxes must be erected so that the front of curbside boxes be set back 12 inches from the face of the concrete curb. The structure supporting the box must not encroach on this setback distance.
(2) Additionally, the bottom of the mailbox must be between 42 inches to 48 inches above the finished road surface.
(3) Mailboxes and the standards upon which they are erected must be designed and installed to withstand the impact of snow hurled from a passing snowplow. [Added 3-9-2004 by Ord. No. 1126]
B. If placement of a standard (18 inches long) mailbox, according to these standards, would cause the back of the box to overhang a public sidewalk, the aforementioned setback would be waived. However, the box must then be placed as far as possible from the road without encroaching on the public sidewalk.