No permit for occupying a portion of a highway with building materials or for other purposes shall be issued except with the approval of and upon such terms and conditions as may be required by the proper official. No such permit shall authorize the occupying of more than one-third (1/3) of the width of the roadway between curbs, nor shall the occupied area exceed in extent the dimensions of the frontage of the premises about to be built upon or repaired, except that when no objection is made by the adjoining property owners and the space is not to be used for storage of materials other than that to be used in construction, the permittee shall be permitted to occupy an additional 30 feet on each side of the building frontage for which the permit is granted. Provision shall be made by the applicant for such a permit, for maintaining at all times a clear and unobstructed passage along the sidewalk, at least six feet in width, and a free passage for water in the gutter. No building or other materials or other obstruction shall, at any time, be placed in the highway within 25 feet of any fire hydrant. All the materials or other obstructions occupying the highway shall be removed prior to the expiration of the time for which the permit was issued or for which it was renewed.