A. Prior to approval of the stormwater management plan, the owner, applicant or the developer must coordinate a schedule of inspections, including a final inspection schedule, with the Township Engineer. These inspection provisions pertain only to construction activities regulated by the plan preparation provisions of Article IV. Any activities granted exemption from plan preparation provisions are not exempt from the inspection provisions and must nonetheless manage stormwater in a manner specified in the other provisions of this chapter.
B. Required inspections,
(1) The Township Engineer shall inspect all phases of development of the site, including, but not limited to:
(a) Completion of preliminary site preparation, which includes clearing and grubbing, stockpiling of topsoil and construction of temporary stormwater management and erosion control facilities.
(b) Completion of rough grading, but prior to placing topsoil, permanent drainage or other site development improvements and ground covers.
(c) Construction of the permanent stormwater management facilities at such times as specified by the Township Engineer.
(d) Completion of permanent stormwater management facilities, including established ground covers and plantings.
(e) Completion of any final grading, vegetative control measures or other site restoration work done in accordance with the approved stormwater management plan and permit.
(2) There shall be pre-topsoil and a post-topsoil volume checks with surface basins.
C. No work shall begin on a subsequent stage until the preceding stage has been inspected and approved by the Township Engineer.
D. It is the responsibility of the landowner to notify the Township Engineer at least 48 hours in advance of the completion of each identified phase of development.
E. Any portion of the work that does not comply with the approved stormwater management plan must be corrected by the landowner within 15 days of notice. No work may proceed on any subsequent phase of the stormwater management plan, the subdivision or land development or building construction until the required corrections have been made.
F. If, at any stage of the work, the Township Engineer determines that the soil or other conditions are not as stated or shown in the approved application, the same may refuse to approve further work, and the Township may revoke existing permits until a modified stormwater management plan is submitted and approved, as required by of this chapter. If the modified stormwater management plan cannot remedy the situation, then the Township reserves the right to cancel its approval and halt all work except for that work required to eliminate the activity and return the site to pre-activity conditions as much as is reasonably possible.
G. If the Township Engineer discovers that the facilities or measures installed may be in violation of chapter 102 (Erosion Control) of the Clean Streams Law, the Township Engineer will refer these violations to the Montgomery County Conservation District.
H. When the landowner has completed his inspection of all the required facilities, he shall notify the Township, in writing, by certified or registered mail, and shall send a copy of such notice to the Township Engineer. Within 15 days after receipt of such notice, the Township Engineer shall inspect the required facilities. Following this final inspection, the Township Engineer shall promptly file a report, in writing, with the Township and shall deliver a copy of the report to the developer by actual delivery, certified mail, registered mail or first class mall. The report shall be made and delivered within five days after final inspection by the Township Engineer.
I. Following final inspection, the landowners shall submit reproducible drawings bearing the seal and certification of a Pennsylvania registered professional surveyor indicating the as-built improvements called for in the approved plan.