A. The connection of a property to an existing or proposed sanitary sewer system through the use of a grinder pump and associated low-pressure sewer systems and laterals shall occur only after the property owner receives the required approvals from the Township, the operator, the Department of Environmental Protection, and other agencies as applicable; such approvals to include sewage facilities planning under the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (Act 537, as amended).
B. The property owner is responsible for obtaining any required permits and approvals for the installation or modification of a grinder pump and any associated low-pressure sewer systems and laterals.
C. All grinder pumps and associated low-pressure sewer systems and laterals shall be installed, used, operated, maintained, serviced, repaired and replaced in full compliance with the rules and regulations of the Township and the operator in effect from time to time.
D. The owner of a property serviced by a grinder pump shall provide an adequate supply of electrical power with the proper phase, frequency and voltage as recommended by the equipment manufacturers of the various components of the system.
E. All control panels for individual grinder pump units shall have a permanently attached phenolic label stating the following: “All maintenance costs for grinder pump systems are the property owner’s responsibility.”
F. All off-site low-pressure sewers and service connections shall be dedicated to the operator in accordance with the operator’s regulations and procedures.
G. Maintenance of grinder pumps and low-pressure sewer systems not dedicated to and accepted by the operator shall be performed by the property owner in accordance with this Article.
H. The Township and/or the operator will not issue a permit for the installation of a grinder pump until evidence is presented that all approvals have been obtained as required by this section.