A. Each owner of a property served by a grinder pump shall bear full responsibility for providing, installing, using, operating, maintaining, servicing, repairing and replacing the grinder pump and any associated low-pressure sewer system and lateral, unless otherwise set forth in this Article or by agreement with the Township and/or the operator.
B. Each owner of a property served by a grinder pump shall have full responsibility for using the grinder pump consistent with the manufacturer’s instructions and shall avoid introducing into the sewer system materials that may damage the grinder pump.
C. The Township and the operator shall bear no responsibility for the purchase, installation, use, operation, maintenance, service, repair, or replacement of a grinder pump and any associated low-pressure sewer system and lateral, except as otherwise set forth in this Article or by agreement with the property owner.
D. The Township shall require each property owner proposing to install or who has installed a grinder pump or associated low-pressure sewer system or lateral to assure the short- and long-term operation and maintenance, use, service, repair or replacement of such systems.