No connection shall be made to a sanitary sewer system except in compliance with the appropriate ordinances of the Township and with such rules and regulations of the operator and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania The following rules and regulations shall apply to all sanitary sewer systems within the Township:
A. Application for service line.
(1) Persons owning an occupied building upon premises abutting on a sanitary sewer system desiring the introduction of a service line from the sewer system to their premises must first make written application on the forms furnished by the operator. The application must be signed by such persons or their duly authorized representative.
(2) No person owning any premises connected with the sewer system or tenant of such premises shall permit another person or premises to use or connect with his service line, except upon written permit from the operator.
B. Permit for connection. Before making any connection to a sanitary sewer system, a permit must be obtained from the operator.
C. Service connection. No sewer connection or disconnection shall be made nor any lateral installed except in the manner and of a type approved by the respective operator. The property owner is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the lateral connection from the building to the sewer main. The lateral line shall be constructed at the owner’s expense. All sewer connection and disconnection work must be inspected and approved by the respective operator.
D. Sewage facilities planning. All construction projects that propose new or expanded plumbing/sewage facilities require DEP review under the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (Act 537). No building permit, certificate of occupancy, final subdivision or land development approval, or other proposed construction approval may be issued until sewage planning has been approved by DEP through the issuance of a planning module approval or an exemption from planning, or until DEP has issued a letter stating that sewage planning is not required.
E. Sewage discharge.
(1) No stormwater, roof drain, condensate line, cellar seepage, surface or ground waters, oils, tar, grease, gasoline, combustible gases or liquids, garbage or insoluble solids or any substance which would impair or interfere with the sewer system or any part thereof in any manner or with the function of the processes of sewage treatment shall be connected or discharge to a sanitary sewer system.
(2) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged into a sanitary sewer system any ashes, cinders, sand, glass, straw, mud, hay, shavings, metal, scraps, rags, feathers, plastics, wood or any other solid or viscous substance capable of causing obstruction to the flow in the sewer system or the processes of sewage treatment.
(3) All hotels, restaurants, boardinghouses and public eating places, before draining into a sanitary sewer system, shall install grease traps on the house drains of such character as may be specified by the Township and/or the operator.
(4) Sewage shall not be discharged to storm sewers.
F. Inspections. The Township, the operator or their representatives shall have the right of access at all reasonable times to all parts of any industrial or commercial premises connected with a sanitary sewer system and to examine and inspect the connections thereto and the plumbing fixtures or any improper connection, installation, maintenance or use. The Township and operator may make reasonable charges for such inspections to users of the sewer system.
G. Release of liability.
(1) The Township and the respective operator shall not be liable for any damage or expense resulting from leaks, stoppages or defective plumbing or from any other cause occurring to any premises or within any house or building; and it is hereby expressly stipulated by all persons making connection with a sanitary sewer system that no claims shall be made against the Township or operator on account of the breaking or stoppage of or any damage to any lateral or house sewer line or connection when the cause thereof is found to be in such lateral or house sewer line or connection.
(2) The Township and the respective operator shall not be liable for a deficiency or failure when occasioned by an emergency, or required repairs or failure for any cause beyond control.
H. Vacated premises. When premises are vacated, the owner shall give notice thereof to the operator, and the owner will be responsible for the sewage charges until such notice is given.
I. Changing rules and regulations. The Township and the operators reserve the right to change or amend, from time to time, their sanitary sewer rules and regulations in accordance with law.