A. The purposes of these regulations are to:
(1) Set forth uniform requirements for direct and indirect contributions to sanitary sewer systems within the boundaries of Upper Dublin Township and to adjacent sanitary sewer systems, including the systems of Ambler Borough, Abington Township, Bucks County Water and Sewer Authority, Horsham Water and Sewer Authority, Springfield Township, and Upper Moreland Hatboro Joint Sewer Authority.
(2) Enable the Township, adjacent municipalities, and sanitary sewer operators to comply with the Clean Water Act, the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law, General Pretreatment Regulations (40 CFR 403), and other applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.
(3) Prevent the discharge of pollutants to sanitary sewer systems that will:
(a) Interfere with the operation of the sanitary sewer systems.
(b) Contaminate resulting sludge from the sanitary sewer systems.
(c) Cause the sanitary sewer systems to violate their respective NPDES discharge permits.
(d) Pass through the sanitary sewer systems, inadequately treated, into receiving waters or the atmosphere.
(e) Be otherwise incompatible with the sanitary sewer systems.
(f) Improve the opportunity to recycle and reclaim wastewater and sludge from the sanitary sewer systems.
(g) Protect the general public and sanitary sewer system personnel who may be affected by sewage and sludge.
B. These regulations provide for the regulation of direct and indirect users to the sanitary sewer systems within Upper Dublin Township through enforcement of general requirements for all users; monitoring and enforcement activities; and reporting and compliance activities.
C. These regulations shall apply to all users who discharge wastewater to the sanitary sewer systems within the Township.
D. Portions of the sanitary sewer systems within the Township discharge sewage to adjacent sanitary sewer systems for treatment. The Township may from time to time, upon recommendation from the appropriate officials of the sanitary sewer systems, adopt regulations by resolution or ordinance applicable to users’ sewage treated by the respective sanitary sewer systems. However, unless otherwise specified, the regulations set forth in this chapter shall apply to all users in the Township who discharge sewage that is collected, transported, and/or treated by the sanitary sewer systems, excepting those instances where the regulations of the sanitary sewer systems are more stringent than those set forth herein. Where the respective sanitary sewer system regulations are more stringent, the more stringent regulations shall apply.