The International Property Maintenance Code is amended and revised in the following respects:
A. Section 101.1, insert: “The Township of Upper Dublin.” as the name of the jurisdiction.
B. Section 103.1, delete and replace with:
103.1 General. The Township Code Enforcement Department shall serve as the department of property maintenance and the Building Code Official as designated in Chapter 73 shall serve as the code official under this Chapter 180.
C. Section 103.5, delete and replace with:
103.5 Fees. The fees for activities and services performed by the department in carrying out its responsibilities under this code shall be indicated by the fee schedule adopted in Chapter 110, Fees.
D. Section 105, add the following:
105.5 Housing Permit. No person shall lease or rent any dwelling, dwelling unit or rooming unit, motel unit or hotel unit in the Township without first making application to and obtaining a permit from the code official to rent or lease such dwelling unit or rooming unit.
105.5.1 Initial Inspection. A housing permit shall be initially issued after an inspection by the code official determines compliance with the standards of this code and all other applicable standards of the Township
105.5.2 Term. Housing permits shall be issued for a term of two years and may be renewed for successive two-year terms so long as the unit or units remain in compliance with the applicable standards.
105.5.3 Periodic Inspections. The Township will inspect all rental units within the two-year permit term.
105.5.4 Inspections for Large Buildings. For large buildings with over 10 rental units, the Township will make monthly inspections of all empty units. The owners of large buildings shall notify the code official by letter of the vacant units so that they can be inspected. Motels and hotels will be inspected during regular periodic inspections, and are subject to spot-check inspections.
105.5.5 Permit Application. A housing permit application shall set forth the name of the applicant, together with the address of the dwelling, the dwelling unit (or units) or the rooming unit (or units) which are or will be offered for rent and such other information as may be required by the code official; such application will constitute an agreement between the applicant and the Township for the faithful compliance by the applicant and all agents, servants, employees or representatives of the applicant with all ordinances, rules and regulations of the Township now in effect or hereafter adopted relating to the basic equipment, physical condition, maintenance and occupancy of dwellings and dwelling units, motel and hotel units.
105.5.6 Permit Fees. A housing permit fee shall be paid by the applicant at the time of permit application in accordance with the permit fee schedule adopted in Chapter 110, Fees.
105.5.7 Owner or Agent. A housing permit will not be issued or renewed for any person who does not either reside or have an office in the County of Montgomery, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania unless he designates in writing an agent in the County of Montgomery, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the receipt of any notice issued with respect to this code.
E. Section 106.4, delete and replace with:
106.4 Violation Penalties. Any person who shall violate a provision of this code, or fail to comply therewith, or with any of the requirements thereof, shall be liable for fines and penalties not exceeding $1,000, which fines and penalties may be collected by suit or summary proceeding brought in the name of the Township before a district justice in like manner as debts of a like amount are now by law recoverable. Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
F. Section 106.5, delete and replace with:
106.5 Abatement of Violation. The imposition of the penalties herein prescribed shall not preclude the Township from instituting appropriate action to restrain, correct or abate a violation, or to prevent illegal occupancy of a building, structure, or premises, or to stop an illegal act, conduct, business or utilization of the building, structure or premises.
106.5.1 Self Help. If a violation has not been corrected within the time designated for such compliance and the Board of Commissioners finds that the continuation of such violation constitutes a public nuisance or hazard, it may order the correction of such violation using Township resources to accomplish such corrections, and may charge the cost thereof to the violator and collect such cost by lien and/or otherwise as may be authorized by law.
G. Section 111.2, delete and replace with:
111.2 Board of Appeals. The board of appeals under this Chapter 180 shall be the board of appeals constituted under Chapter 73.
H. Section 111.4.1, delete and replace with:
111.4.1 Procedure. The board of appeals under this Chapter 180 shall follow the procedures established by the board of appeals constituted under Chapter 73.
I. Section 111.7, delete and replace with:
111.7 Review of Decision. Any person aggrieved by a decision of the board of appeals shall have the right to apply for review of that decision by an appropriate court of competent jurisdiction.
J. Section 302.4, insert “10 inches” for the height limit of weeds.
K. Section 302.8, replace “no inoperative or unlicensed motor vehicle” with “not more than one inoperative, uninspected or unregistered vehicle.”
L. Section 305.3, add:
305.3.1 Mold. Mold shall be removed from rental units, including motel and hotel rooms, by a certified mold remediation company and a report documenting the mold remediation shall be provided to the code official.
M. Section 602.3, insert “October 1 to May 15" as the inclusive dates.
N. Section 602.3, add:
602.3.1, Temporary/Portable Space Heaters. Temporary/portable space heaters are prohibited in rental units, including motel and hotel rooms. Examples include kerosene, propane, and electric space heaters.
602.3.2, Heating Equipment Maintenance. Heating equipment in rental units, including motel and hotel rooms, shall be cleaned, serviced, and certified once every two years. Certification of maintenance shall be provided to the code official.
602.3.3, Fireplace and Chimney Maintenance. Fireplaces and chimneys, including gas fireplaces, in rental units, including motel and hotel rooms, shall be cleaned, serviced, and inspected as required by an appropriately trained and certified person. Certification of maintenance shall be provided to the code official.
O. Section 605.2, delete and replace with:
605.2, Receptacles. Every habitable space in a dwelling unit shall contain at least two separate and remote receptacle outlets.
605.2.1, Wet Areas. Ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) receptacle outlets are required within six feet of any water source per NEC 210.8.
605.2.2, Laundry Areas. Every laundry area shall contain at least one GFCI receptacle outlet.
605.2.3, Bathrooms. Every bathroom shall contain at least one GFCI receptacle outlet. Only GFCI receptacle outlets may be used in new bathrooms.
P. Section 702, add:
702.5, Fire Escapes. Exterior fire escapes must be maintained in good structural and working order.
Q. Section 704, add:
704.5, Fire Extinguishers. In all rental units, including motel and hotel rooms, a minimum size three pound A.B.C. fire extinguisher must be located in a visible location near or in all kitchen areas. Fire extinguishers must be replaced per manufacturer specifications or at least every 10 years, whichever period is shorter.
R. Section 705, add:
705.1 Outdoor Cooking. No charcoal, wood, gas, or liquid fuel-fired cooking equipment shall be used on any patio or patio balcony of any rental unit, including motel and hotel rooms. Fuel for outdoor cooking equipment shall not be stored within any unit or on any patio or patio balcony of any multifamily dwelling. Outdoor cooking must be conducted on the ground at least 15 feet from any building and with the permission of the property owner.