A. If compliance with this chapter imposes severe hardship upon the applicant (i.e., the applicant cannot develop the property as zoned), she/he may apply to the Township for relief, which if granted, shall be the minimum necessary to permit reasonable use of the site. Endeavoring to obtain approval for as many units as possible shall not be considered a determining factor in the Township’s evaluation of whether there is a severe hardship. The Board of Commissioners may, in accordance with the following procedures, authorize exceptions to any of the requirements and regulations set forth in this chapter.
B. Application for any exception shall be made by a verified petition of the applicant, stating fully the grounds of the petition and the facts relied upon the applicant. Such petition shall be filed with the grading permit application. In order for the petition to be granted, it shall be necessary that the Board of Commissioners find all the following facts with respect to the land referred to in the petition:
(1) That the site is of such shape or size or is affected by such physical conditions or is subject to such title limitations of record that is impossible or impractical for the applicant to comply with all the requirements of this chapter;
(2) That the exception is necessary to prevent unreasonable and unnecessary hardship;
(3) That such unnecessary hardship was not created by applicant;
(4) That the granting of the exception will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity of the subject property; and
(5) That the exception, if granted, will represent the minimum exception necessary to afford relief to the applicant.