Activities that require a grading permit must file a grading plan. The grading plan must include the following information:
A. A site plan (plot plan) drawn at a suitable scale of not less than one inch equals 50 feet and contour intervals of no more than one foot prepared by a registered professional land surveyor or engineer, licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania showing all of the following:
(1) A valid boundary line survey of the site including lot lines, monuments/pins/markers, and setback lines; existing and proposed contours; existing vegetation; soil types and conditions; watercourses; affected watersheds; and other natural features.
(2) Erosion and sedimentation control measures, high points, drainage arrows, drainage swales, and the limits of disturbance.
(3) Existing and proposed features surrounding the site that are of importance to the proposed development.
(4) First floor and garage elevations.
(5) Existing and proposed building/structure locations, wells, wastewater treatment systems, sanitary laterals, water supply pipes, storm sewers, inlets, manholes, basement drains, sump pump drains, utility boxes, walls, fences, berms, underground utilities, and all other man-made structures/features.
(6) Elevations at lot corners, and exterior grade at each corner of each building.
(7) All earthmoving and stripping changes to the site, including cuts, fills, structures, paving, utilities, vegetation and top soil proposed to be stripped, and cut/fill balance.
(8) North arrow.
(9) Street trees and existing trees to be removed.
(10) Driveway openings and slopes, driveway turnarounds and parking areas, depressed curb length, and driveway configurations from garage or parking area to street.
(11) Sidewalk and pedestrian trail locations.
(12) Easements, covenants, equitable servitudes, and deed restrictions.
B. A stormwater management plan prepared in accordance with Upper Dublin Township Stormwater Management Ordinance.
C. A statement, signed and sealed by a registered professional land surveyor or engineer, licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania indicating that, to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, the proposed grading activities shall not significantly increase stormwater runoff to, and/or otherwise adversely impact, downstream properties except as may be part of an approved stormwater runoff collection and management plan.