§ 64-4.   Animals permitted with license.
   A.   No person other than a registered veterinarian in the course of his professional duties is permitted to maintain, keep or possess within the Township of Upper Dublin any animal not specifically mentioned in § 64-3 hereof unless application for a permit shall have been made by such person to the Board of Animal Regulation and a permit shall have been issued therefor. Among such animals for which a permit may be issued by the Board are the following:
      (1)   Coati-mundis (Nasua).
      (2)   Crocodilians (Crocodilia), under thirty (30) inches in length; includes baby alligators and caymans
      (3)   Eagles (Aquila and Haliaeetus). Subject to state and federal laws.
      (4)   Falcons (Falconidae). Subject to state and federal laws.
      (5)   Foxes (Vulpes and Urocyon).
      (6)   Iguanas (Iguanidae).
      (7)   Jaguarondis (Herpailurus).
      (8)   Kinkajous (Potos).
      (9)   Margays (Fells tigrina).
      (10)   Monkeys, white-throated capuchins and other Cebus monkeys; night monkeys or douroucoulis (Aotus); Marmosets (Callimico, Callithrix and Leontocebus); squirrel monkeys (Saimiri); and Wooly monkeys (Lagothrix).
      (11)   Ocelots (Fells pardalis).
      (12)   Otters (Lutrinae).
      (13)   Skunks (Mephitinae).
      (14)   Snakes, nonpoisonous and not native to the Township of Upper Dublin, including pythons and boas under six (6) feet in length.
   B.   The application for a permit shall have attached thereto a registered veterinarian's health certificate for each animal to be covered by the permit and shall be verified by an affidavit and shall set forth the following:
      (1)   The type and number of animals to be covered by the permit.
      (2)   The purpose of keeping such animals
      (3)   The period for which a permit is requested.
      (4)   A description of the quarters in which the animals will be kept, including plans and specifications thereof, where appropriate.
      (5)   Circumstances, if any, under which the animals will be removed from quarters.
      (6)   Biographical information of the applicant and any other person to be placed in charge of the animals, with particular emphasis on the knowledge of such persons about the animals in question and experience of such persons in handling the animals in question.
      (7)   Such additional information as the Board of Animal Regulation may require.