There shall be and there are hereby are established for the use of and the service rendered by the waterworks system of the town, the following rates and charges, based on the use of water supplied by said waterworks system. See Appendix A of this chapter for the full list of rates and charges as of August 22, 2015.
   (A)   Metered consumption. This shall be as set by Council.
   (B)   Minimum monthly charge. Each user shall pay a minimum charge in accordance with the following applicable size of meter installed, for which the user will be entitled to the quantity of water set out in the schedule of rates.
   (C)   Fire protection service. This shall be set by Council.
   (D)   Private fire protection. This shall be set by Council.
   (E)   Temporary users. Water furnished to temporary users such as contractors, circuses and the like shall be charged on the basis of the metered gallon rates hereinbefore set forth as estimated and established by the Waterworks Superintendent.
   (F)   Collection and deferred payment charges. All bills for water services not paid within 15 days from the due date thereof, as stated in such bills, shall be subject to the collection or deferred payment charge of 10% on the first $3 and 3% on the excess over $3.
   (G)   Non-recurring charges. These shall be as set by Council.
      (1)   All costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of the municipal water supply to individual building sites or buildings within the town shall be borne by the owner and is hereby set in accordance with the fees as reflected in Appendix B.
      (2)   Such connection charge shall include installation of necessary supply mains up to the boundary line of the privately owned property utilizing the service and the cost of installing a water meter at such point.
      (3)   The owner or person installing a water line for the owner shall indemnify the town from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation.
(Prior Code, § 51.01) (Ord. 3-1987, passed 2-11-1987; Ord. 8-1987, passed 6-10-1987; Ord. 14-1996, passed 12-11-1996; Ord. 8-2008, passed -10-2008; Ord. 7-2015, passed 8-22-2015; Ord. 2019-2, passed 5-7-2019)