(A)   (1)   CAPACITY FEE shall mean the payment required for the benefit or privilege of making a connection, directly or indirectly, to the utility’s sewage collection system.
      (2)   Any builder, developer, owner or new customer whose property has not been previously served by the utility’s sanitary sewer system shall be charged. DEVELOPER shall mean an owner of, or person acting on behalf of an owner to develop property to be served by the sewage works. In addition, any existing customer requesting additional capacity in the sewage works by increasing the size of the water meter serving the property shall pay an adjusted capacity fee calculated as the charge established in division (A)(4) below reduced by the initial capacity fee. Additionally, existing customers requesting a reduction of capacity in the sewage works by decreasing the size of water meter shall not be entitled to a refund by the town.
      (3)   Prior to connecting to the sanitary sewer facilities, a builder, owner, new customer or developer shall be required to pay a capacity fee in the amount per equivalent dwelling unit as follows:
2012 and thereafter
      (4)   Multi-family dwelling units and non-residential users shall be converted to an Equivalent Dwelling Unit as determined by the type of user. The Equivalent Dwelling Units assessed shall be in accordance with Table 11-1 Flow Calculation Factors (FCF) of the Indiana Administrative Code (327 I.A.C. 3-6-11). Flow calculations not indicated or shown in said table shall be established by the Superintendent of the utility. These fees are in addition to the connection fee and the user fees.
      (5)   Capacity fees shall be due and payable at the time of application for service and prior to the connection to the system. No connection to the sewage works will be allowed prior to the receipt by the sewage works of all capacity and connection fees.
   (B)   All costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of the municipal sewage works to individual building sites within the corporate limits of the town shall be borne by the owner of the property and is hereby set at $500 per building site connected from and after September 1, 2015.
(Ord. 9-2008, passed -10-2008; Ord. 6-2015, passed 9-1-2015)