The improvement of the subdivision shall conform to the following standards.
   (A)   Monuments and markers.
      (1)   Monuments and markers shall be placed so that the center of the pipe or marked point shall coincide exactly with the intersection of lines to be marked, and shall be set so that the top of the monument or marker is level with the finished grade;
      (2)   Monuments shall be set:
         (a)   At the intersection of all lines forming angles in the boundary of the subdivision; and
         (b)   At the intersection of street property lines.
      (3)   Markers shall be set:
         (a)   At the beginning and ending of all curves along street property lines;
         (b)   At all points where lot lines inter- sect curves, either front or rear;
         (c)   At all angles in property lines of lots; and
         (d)   At all other lot corners not established by a monument.
      (4)   Monuments shall be of stone, pre-cast concrete or concrete poured in place by minimum dimensions of four inches by four inches by 30 inches. They shall be marked on the top with an iron or copper dowel set flush with the top of the monument or deeply scored on top with a cross. Markers shall consist of iron pipes or steel bars at least 30 inches long, and not less than five-eighths inch in diameter.
   (B)   Streets.
      (1)   Streets (and alleys where provided) shall be completed to grades shown on plans, profiles and cross-sections, provided by the subdivider, and prepared by a licensed surveyor and/or registered professional engineer and approved by the Commission.
      (2)   The streets shall be graded, surfaced and improved to the dimensions required by such plans, profiles and cross-sections.
      (3)   The street pavements shall be in accordance with specifications established by the County Commissioners or the Common Council of the town or the Board of Trustees of the Town of Fairmount, or Jonesboro, or Sweetser, or Van Buren, or the Town Council of the Town of Upland, Indiana, as may be applicable.
      (4)   Where principal and minor arterial streets are located within the subdivision as specified in § 152.21 of this chapter, the subdivider shall construct such street pavement in accordance with the requirements for collector streets set forth in division (B)(3) above. For the purpose of constructing principal and minor arterial street pavements according to the design characteristics set forth in division (B)(3) above, the Board is authorized to use funds available for such purposes to participate with the subdivider in the cost of such construction; provided, however, that, such participation shall be limited to that cost of constructing the required collector street improvement.
      (5)   Prior to placing the street and alley surfaces, adequate drainage for the street shall be provided by the subdivider. Culvert drainage pipe, when required, shall be coated corrugated metal pipe or a similar type not less than 12 inches in diameter approved by the Commission. Upon the completion of the street and alley improvements, plans and profiles as built shall be filed with the Commission.
   (C)   Sewers.
      (1)   Whenever the proposed subdivision is located within 500 feet of an existing sanitary sewer facility or within an urban area as shown on Figure 4, it shall be connected to a sanitary sewer.
      (2)   The subdivider shall provide the subdivision with a complete sanitary sewer system, which shall connect with an existing approved sanitary sewer outlet; except that, when such approved outlet is not available, one of the following methods of sewage disposal shall be used, except within the city where connection to a sanitary sewer is mandatory.
         (a)   A complete sanitary sewer system to convey the sewage to a treatment plant, to be provided by the subdivider in accordance with the minimum requirements of the county’s Board of Health, the state’s Board of Health and/or the Stream Pollution Control Board.
         (b)   A private sewage disposal system on individual lots consisting of a septic tank and tile absorption field or other approved sewage disposal system, when laid out in accordance with the minimum standards of the state’s Board of Health. (Refer to Bulletin PWS2, Standards for the Construction of Private Water Wells and Water Systems.)
      (3)   The plans for the installation of a sanitary sewer system shall be provided by the subdivider and approved by the state’s Board of Health. (Refer to current state administrative rules.) Upon the completion of the sanitary sewer installation, the plans for such system as built shall be filed with the Commission.
      (4)   In this division (C) and division (D) below, the phrase “the subdivider shall provide” shall be interpreted to mean that the subdivider shall install the facility referred to, or whenever a private sewage disposal system or an individual water supply is to be provided, that such facilities referred to in these sections shall be installed by the developer of the lots in accordance with these regulations.
   (D)   Water.
      (1)   The subdivider shall provide the subdivision with a complete water main supply system, which shall be connected to an existing approved municipal or community water supply, except that when such municipal or community water supply is not available, the subdivider shall provide one of the following, except within the city:
         (a)   A complete community water supply system to be provided in accordance with the minimum requirements of the state’s Board of Health; and
         (b)   An individual water supply on each lot in the subdivision in accordance with the minimum requirements of the state’s Board of Health. (Refer to current state administrative rules.)
      (2)   The plans for the installation of water main supply system shall be provided by the subdivider and approved by the state’s Board of Health. (Refer to current state administrative rules.) Upon completion of the water supply installation, the plans for such system as built shall be filed with the Commission.
   (E)   Storm drainage.
      (1)   (a)   The subdivider shall provide the subdivision with an adequate storm water sewer system whenever curb and gutter is installed and whenever the evidence available to the Commission indicates that the natural surface drainage is inadequate.
         (b)   When the surface drainage is adequate, easements for such surface drainage shall be provided.
         (c)   Deep open ditches for drainage are not permitted in the street, but where curb and gutter are not provided, a shallow swale with its low point at least three inches below the elevation of the subgrade of the pavement may be permitted.
      (2)   In a subdivision where curbs and gutter are not provided, the subdivider shall furnish one of the following types of improvements to facilitate roadside drainage and to assure suitable entrances for private driveways which are proposed to intersect the roadway:
         (a)   A corrugated metal pipe, at least 12 inches in diameter and 20 feet in length to be placed where required for each driveway; or
         (b)   A properly dipped or swaled concrete pavement, 14 feet in length, six feet in width and six inches thick, designed so as not to create a hazard to the under parts of automobiles, at the entrance of each driveway.
   (F)   Curb and gutter.
      (1)   (a)   Wherever a proposed subdivision lies adjacent to or between other subdivisions which have been provided with curb and gutter, or whenever the proposed subdivision will average more than three and one-half lots per gross acre included in the subdivision, the Commission shall require curb and gutter to be installed on each side of the street surface.
         (b)   Curbs and gutters shall be provided in all subdivisions within the city.
      (2)   The curb and gutter shall be of the construction type shown in Figure 1 and shall be constructed according to the following specifications.
         (a)   The base for the curb and gutter shall be well compacted on the existing base or grade.
         (b)   The minimum specifications shall be as shown for the type of cross-section in Figure 1.
         (c)   All concrete used in the curb and gutter shall meet the state’s highway specifications for Class A concrete.
         (d)   Integral or monolithic curb of the same dimensions as shown in Figure 1 may be built on concrete pavement; provided, the pavement widths are maintained as required in this chapter.
   (G)   Sidewalks.
      (1)   Wherever a proposed subdivision lies adjacent to or between other subdivisions which have been provided with sidewalks, or whenever the proposed subdivision will average more than three and one-half lots per gross acre included in the subdivision, the Commission shall require sidewalks to be installed on each side of the street. Sidewalks shall be provided within all subdivisions within the city.
      (2)   The sidewalks shall be in accordance with specifications established by the County Commissioners or the Common Council of the town, or the Board of Trustees of the Town of Fairmount, or Jonesboro, or Sweetser, or Van Buren, or the Town Council of Upland, Indiana, as may be applicable.
   (H)   Street signs. The subdivider shall provide the subdivision with standard city, county or town street signs at the intersection of all streets.
(Prior Code, § 152.23) (Ord. 5-1970, passed 1-11-1971; Ord. 4-1972, passed 8-14-1972)