(A)   Employment, compensation and qualifica- tions.
      (1)   The Town Council may employ a town executive to be known as a Town Manager. The Town Council shall fix compensation, benefits and term of employment; provided only that, the duration of employment shall be at the pleasure of the Council or for a definite tenure not to exceed the term in office of the appointing Town Council.
      (2)   The Town Manager shall be the administrative head of the town government and be employed solely with regard to merit and on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications. Town Council shall not employ one of its members as Town Manager.
      (3)   The Town Manager need not be a resident of the town at the time of appointment by the Town Council, but may reside outside the town while employed as Town Manager only with the approval of the Town Council.
   (B)   Powers and duties.
      (1)   The Town Manager shall be responsible to the Town Council for the proper administration of all of the affairs and administrative duties of the town, which the Town Council has the authority to control.
      (2)   Unless a written order or ordinance of the Town Council provides otherwise, the Town Manager shall:
         (a)   Attend the meetings of the Town Council, Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals, necessary for the efficient operation and planning of the town and such other meetings as requested or required by the Town Council;
         (b)   Hire all town employees to fill positions authorized by the Town Council in accordance with pay schedule standards fixed by the Town Council or be statute;
         (c)   Except for Town Police Department personnel, and subject to the final approval of the Town Council, suspend, remove or transfer town employees;
         (d)   Delegate any powers to a subordinate employee upon written authorization of the Town Council;
         (e)   Administer all orders, ordinances and resolutions of the town and Town Council, and see to the enforcement of laws of the state that are required to be enforced through the Town Council or other town officials, subject to the control of the Town Council;
         (f)   Prepare budget estimates and submit them to the Town Council when required;
         (g)   Recommend to the Town Council adoption of such measures which are deemed necessary or useful to the health, safety and welfare of the community or the improvement of administration or delivery of services;
         (h)   Supervise the purchase of all materials, supplies and equipment in accordance with town ordinances and state statute;
         (i)   Receive service of summons on behalf of the town;
         (j)   Execute contracts on behalf of the town for materials, supplies, services or improvements, after completion of the appropriation, notice and competitive bidding required by statute;
         (k)   Appoint and remove heads of departments, subject to the advice, consent and final authority of the Town Council; and
         (l)   Perform such other duties as may be required by the Town Council, not inconsistent with ordinance, statute or state law.
   (C)   Police disciplinary matters. The Town Manager may not serve as a member of any body that hears disciplinary charges against a member of the town’s Police Department.
   (D)   Bond. The Town Manager must be bonded for the faithful performance of his or her duties pursuant to I.C. 5-4-1 and I.C. 36-5-5-5.
   (E)   Acting Town Manager. The Town Council may appoint a qualified person to perform the duties of Town Manager whenever he or she is absent or unable to perform the duties of Town Manager.
   (F)   Issuance of warrants or execution of bonds. The Town Council may not authorize the Manager to issue or execute bonds, notes, warrants of the town.
   (G)   Outside employment. During his or her term of employment, the Town Manager shall not engage in any other business activity without the express written approval of the Town Council.
   (H)   Termination. The employment of the Town Manager may be terminated in accordance with the terms provided for in the separate Town Manager employment agreement.
(Ord. 2017-7, passed 5-2-2017)