(A)   Major streets and highway maps and drawings. The official major streets and highways plan (thoroughfare plans) consists of a map entitled “Grant County, Indiana, or Fairmount, Indiana, or Jonesboro, Indiana, or Sweetser, Indiana, or Upland, Indiana, or Van Buren, Indiana”, dated 1969, or “City of Marion, Indiana”, dated 1973, and drawings entitled “Urban Thoroughfares, Standard Cross- Sections” and “Rural Thoroughfares, Standard Cross- Sections”, dated 1973, which show recommended design plans for the proposed streets and highways. This official major streets and highways plan is hereby incorporated by reference into this code, with two copies of the plan on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer and available for public inspection. The notations, references, indications and other details shown therein are as much a part of this code as if they were fully described in the text of this code.
   (B)   Designation of major streets and highways. The major streets and highways comprising the official major streets and highways plan are hereby classified on the basis of width and type, in accordance with their proposed function, as principal arterial, minor arterial, major collector, minor collector and local streets.
   (C)   Policies and directives.
      (1)   Opening or widening of streets. Whenever a street classified in the official major streets and highways plan is to be platted as part of a subdivision, the required right-of-way width for such street shall be as specified in the official major streets and highways plan; provided that, where a street borders on a tract of land to be subdivided, the owner of such land shall be required to plat only one-half of the right-of-way designated for such street, measured at 90 degrees to the centerline thereof.
      (2)   Location of streets.
         (a)   Wherever the location of a street is indicated in the official major streets and highways plan as following an existing road or street, or a section or half-section or other established property line, the location of the street shall conform to such location; however, a street lying wholly within a subdivision, and not designated as following an existing road or established property line, may be varied in its alignment when such variance promotes the plan of a neighborhood development unit in accordance with good site planning principles, and if such alignment provides for the continuity of traffic movement.
         (b)   In the absence of any street being designated in each section of land, within the jurisdiction, on or approximately on the north-south and east-west section lines of such sections, it is the intent of the official major streets and highways plan and this code that major collector streets be established on such section lines.
         (c)   In the absence of any street being designated in each section of land, within the jurisdiction, on or approximately on the north-south and east-west half-section lines of such sections, it is the intent of the official major streets and highways plan and this code that minor collector streets be established on such half-section lines where feasible.
         (d)   Wherever the location of a street is indicated in the official major streets and highways plan as following an irregular alignment, or a revised alignment or is not referenced to an established lined it shall follow the alignment shown in the official major streets and highways plan. Such alignment shall be subject to a detailed survey which may be provided by the Commission or other public agencies, or by the owners of land to be subdivided if required by the Commission. The survey for such street shall be subject to the approval of the Commission prior to the dedication of the street.
      (3)   Consideration by public agencies.
         (a)   The Board shall be guided by and give consideration to the general policy and pattern of street development set out in the official major streets and highways plan in the authorization, construction, widening, alteration, relocation or abandonment of the public streets, highways and related structures.
         (b)   No public way shall be abandoned or vacated until the Commission shall have first given notice and held public hearing on vacation or abandonment of such public way. The Commission shall forward its recommendation to the Board. The Board shall not override the recommendation of the Commission, except by unanimous vote.
      (4)   Issuance of permits. Any permits authorized by the Board including, but not limited to, improvement location permits, permitting the erection, alteration or relocation of structures and other improvements within the jurisdiction of the Commission, shall be issued only if, in addition to satisfying the requirements of other ordinances, the proposed street right-of-way as set forth by this code will be protected from encroachment. In this instance, the proposed street right-of-way lines will be considered as the front line of lots and tracts bordering such street. Where 25% or more of the lots in a block are occupied by buildings, the existing street right-of- way line shall be considered as the proposed right-of- way line.
      (5)   Continuing authority of Commission. Subsequent to the passage of this code, the Commission may determine lines for new, extended, widened or narrowed thoroughfares in any portion of the area within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and certify to the Board the amended or additional plan under the same procedure as established for the certification and approval of the official major streets and highways plan.
(Prior Code, § 152.03) (Ord. 5-1970, passed 1-11-1971; Ord. 4-1972, passed 8-14-1972)